We're in. Still debating the schedule, but we're probably leaving central CT either Tuesday morning or early evening to make the Thursday test and Saturday sprints. We're probably starting out for home Saturday afternoon after our sprint and will grab a hotel room that night wherever we decide to stop.
Everyone keep in touch and send contact and route info; if anyone has highway problems we can help rescue you (uh, me). For our course we'll probably take I-84 to I-81 to I-77 to I-85 versus the typical I-95/I-85 route. It adds less than 50 miles to the trip and avoids NYC, the Jersey turnpike, Philly, DC, and the whole I-95 corridor with associated loops. All it will take is one traffic jam in Jersey and that 42 or so extra miles (what, 30 minutes while towing? <grin> ) will seem like cake.
Greg Amy
203.209.1217 cell