
New member
Well I think it's wide open. Correct me if I am wrong but...

- you are going to be shy on events
- Fatty is selling his car
- Jeremy is selling his car
- Blaney selling (or sold) his car
- Greg's car is running strong

Hunter / Gangi / Bogart / Amy as my top 4 favorites.

What is Serra doing?

I will be fielding a 1.8 Miata (converting my SM) this year and could be a spoiler at some events. The events I can't make it too, I send in the Big Leverone.

But no waffling: Greg Amy.

Originally posted by Andy Bettencourt@Jan 1 2006, 05:51 PM
But no waffling:  Greg Amy

Andy, thanks, you're far too kind! After all the hurdles we've had to jump the last few years it's flattering to know I'm recognized by respected peers as being in the hunt. However, my personal goals for the year have more to do with the year-end bashes (NARRC, ARRC, maybe NASA Mid-Ohio) and the endurance races (Summit, NHIS, the Glen, VIR) than with the regional championship. In fact, I don't even know *how* to win the NERRC/NARRC!

My goals for '06 with the NX will be to campaign key events for individual ITA wins (the first one still eludes me), improve the build and prep on the car, and improve my personal driving skillz. I firmly believe that anyone who has the drive and discipline to pilot consistently and campaign all the events has a much, much better chance at the regional championship than I do. - Greg

On edit: Dave, you're spot on. I know this car well; in fact, it's sitting in my trailer in my driveway as I type. I walk in there and look it over every day or so. Well-prepped and looks like a top-notch handling car. 2330#, is it, versus my 2515? Jeff will be giving the ITA crowd a run for its money.

Of course, you certainly can't count out Rick in his well-prepped Integra, and Anthony is always a threat when/if he shows this year. Then we have that super-handling 2380# Miata with a seasoned driver in it.

My goodness, ITA's gonna be fun this year...!
Greg i have to agree. You have to have the drive to contend for the year long championship run. it is nerve racking watching the points and keeping the car running.if its not greg, then Gangi or hunter? will bogart run other than nhis?
While I agree that Greg is deserving and has an extremely well developed program, I'd be shocked to give the "nod" to anyone other than an Acura given the current wight/perfomance advantage for the class. As I see it the NARRC goes to which ever Acura shows to the most events and finishes consistently. For '07 with the "adjustment" taking place I vote Bettencourt. '06 up in the air....probably Ritchie if he does enough events. But if weights stay the same any Acura (spec Serra).....Mark Carpenter?, Geoff Branscomb?. I think these guys, although their experience is limited, they have the "ticket" and the hunger. I know it sounds crazy (or flattering) but I've raced these guys and they just pull and pull. DO NOT underestimate Anthony's influence on the upper middle of the pack, especially with a weight advantage.

I can guaran-daamn-tee at 2675 it will not be me or Noam!!! :D

You folks seem to be forgetting the #24 car... the one that (corrected "almost") broke the ITS track record at The Glen last fall. But perhaps you should do what Ray Anthony Jake and I opted to do at the NARRC 2 years ago. Unfortunatly that will be the only way somebody will have a fair shot at the NARRC title.

I didn't bother to dig up the numbers, but I know that he blew off the track record by a substantual amount (which is quite unusual), and both Brett and I were stunned by the straightaway speeds. It is up to you guys, but in my opinion I do not believe that the car is within legal specifications. As I have ranted before, I don't have a problem with minor violations or rules creep, (like washer bottles, or type of bushing material), but when a car can power past the two fastest ITA cars by multiple car length's on a single lap, but not be able to pull away going into or through the corners, it is not driver skill but substantial more power than any other Integra. Unfortunalty the driver knows that nobody has the time or money to prove him wrong.

Victor & company, you guys will have to take the reigns going forward. I made my feelings well know to Windell to his face at impound at that race, and I have no regrets. I have sold the car and will only be focusing on co-driving with two teams for the endurance series where possible. We are planning on running the 12 & 13 hour events and the NE endurace series.

So I hope that you do take the role in policing the class, since it was a lot of fun when we had great races with legal cars.

Originally posted by Tom Blaney@Jan 2 2006, 07:31 AM
You folks seem to be forgetting the #24 car... the one that broke the ITS track record at The Glen last fall. But perhaps you should do what Ray Anthony Jake and I opted to do at the NARRC 2 years ago. Unfortunatly that will be the only way somebody will have a fair shot at the NARRC title

The ITS record? You sure?

(On edit: I looked it up for myself. It was the ITA record. 1:30.121. ITS record was also broken at 1:28.609. Nick has never driven the short course in the RX-7)

Lotsa talk about that car but no action. Tsk, tsk. :bash_1_:

i was not running ITA when they went after the 69 car, so i was not part of the process. i would go after the 24 if other competitors with the proper knowledge to do it properly would join me. from last year his car seems to kill us at pocono and the short course at the glenn.if you guys are up to it pm me and we can talk about it. it is just not fair to all of us.oddly when i was checking qualifying at lrp, he was there and he was disturbed at how fast Serra had run and he felt that anthony's car should be checked.Is it possible that he beleives that his car is legal.of course I find it hard to beleive that he can destroy us down the straights and the car be legal. to me he is a nice gut, but the car seems to damn fast.
Good topic Rick. I was just thinking last night about the car while I was thinking about going back to work Monday for the new year, and said to myself, It's January!, and I haven't touched the car since I drove it into the garage in October!! :o
Why do I always wait until like January/February when the weather is the coldest to start working on the car?! This winter I vow to finally do some maintenance on the car, like replace the timing belt, water pump, thermostat, maybe even adjust the valve lash. :119: Please please don't think my car is not mecahnically safe out there, it is. These types of items are more to prevent me from getting a DNF. And speaking of that, congrats Ray, I didn't realize you went 3 years without a DNF. Come to think of it, there are several of you out there that always finish. :happy204:
Rick and Tom, I too was not at that infamous LRP race with the teardown, but you could count me in for a similar effort this year.
I have never raced the Glen but did a lapping day there 5 years ago. I haven't yet planned the event schedule this year, so not sure if the Glen or Pocono will fit with the plans (I have to check with my other half).
Happy New Year and happy car prepping.
#03 Integra
Originally posted by Doc Bro@Jan 2 2006, 03:40 AM

I can guaran-daamn-tee at 2675 it will not be me or Noam!!! :D


Can I claim 2006 as another "development year" for the BMW, or is there some point where I just have to admit I'm slow :rolleyes: ?

My guess is that if the 24 actuallly finishes enough races to get some points then people will pony up and go thru the hassle to prove what we all suspect (know). when it fianaly happens let me know. even I will be in for $100.
Joining in on the fray... the #86 LisaGardner.com CRX is expecting a full season this year.... at leat at NHIS. Fortuntately the racing schedule came out early enough to keep the Mrs. from booking family events on racing weekends (but that cans till change..DOH!) :blink:

I look forward to another fun season of racing... and wishing terrible things for the Acuras.

Shameless Plug -- Lisa Gardner's latest paperback is out now - ALONE.

Anthony R.
Originally posted by almracing@Jan 2 2006, 03:19 PM
Joining in on the fray... the #86 LisaGardner.com CRX is expecting a full season this year.... at leat at NHIS.  Fortuntately the racing schedule came out early enough to keep the Mrs. from booking family events on racing weekends (but that cans till change..DOH!)  :blink:

I look forward to another fun season of racing... and wishing terrible things for the Acuras. 

Shameless Plug -- Lisa Gardner's latest paperback is out now - ALONE.

Anthony R.

Since your running a Bullet Proof Engine from SBMS Racing, we all know that you will be extremly strong and legal ... (Shameless Plug)
I wont be running the NARRC races next year because I will be working in York, PA all summer, and school in Charlotte,NC starts and ends during the racing season. I will be at the Glen however in July. I just worked out a deal to run both my ITA car and an AS car at regionals and nationals next year, so I will be busy as hell at the track. Depending how the run groups are ordered, Ill run the Integra at the MARRS races along with the AS car, but the AS car has priority. While Im still in school Ill have the Integra at Road Atlanta in Feb and March, VIR in March, May and October and then the ARRC in the fall, maybe the runoffs if things go well next year at nationals.

Regarding the #24 car, I saw some disturbing things at Lime Rock last summer when I had a look under his hood to make sure my clutch cable was routed properly. I dont know if he thought I was a noob and wouldnt say anything, but while I was looking the valve cover happened to be off, and something caught my eye. I didnt say anything at the time but if any of you guys want to know details you can send me a message or email. I wont have to deal with him like you guys will next year, but Im willing to help.

Hope you all have an awesome year next year at the NARRC races and Ill hope to see some of you at the ARRC!!

Originally posted by almracing@Jan 2 2006, 03:19 PM
I look forward to another fun season of racing... and wishing terrible things for the Acuras. 

Anthony R.

Would you like some cheese to go with your whine? You are hanging with Tom(aka drama queen) Blaney too much :lol: