Always tough to say, but I'll try....
ITC - It's hard to bet against Vesa, but Chuck can seriously hustle that VW. Will Perry could easily be right there too.
ITB - Could be another Chris vs. Vaughan battle, but any of the A3's could easily join in if they show up. Are the Canadian's coming?
ITA - Who the hell knows? AJ, Moser Jr., Moser Sr.....possibly me? Throw in some more wild cards like Hoppe, Lyman, and Crazy Joe and it should be a great race as always.
ITS - Where's VanSteenburg? Where's Huffmaster? Tim Selby's always real fast in his RX-7 and got a good finish last year. Can Zsolt win in his FWD GSR? I don't know, this one's pretty open.