Why isn't 89 Accord classified


New member
I've looked at every possible reason as to why the 86-88 lxi is classified and not the 89. There is a difference from the 86-87 and the 88-89 but the the latter are the same car. I've checked every possible reason they have same motor (intake man., TB, crank,pistons etc) Is it just because someone only tried to class. the 86-88 or has the 89 been rejected for some reason. Any info. would be great since the car I have to run is a 89.
When I originally got the Accord classified, Denver did not want to classify the '89 in ITB. The '89 is rated at 120 HP and the '86-'88 was listed at 110 HP. The second reason was the '89 SEL had disc brakes in the rear. The car I was building was an '88 and I did not care about the rear discs, so I did not pursue it. Now that the car has been wrongly moved to ITA, I am sure there is no resson the '89 could not be added. Anyone looking to purchase a fast '88 with spares?
The Accord would make a GREAT Nasa Honda-Challenge car!!!!!!!

P.Keane...... If your selling the Accord post an ad on their web-site. The Accord and a few other Honda "Orphans" are properly classified in H5. There are a number of folks looking for new race cars for this series in 2003!

Guys, if you have not been to a NASA H-C race and your on the east coast...... give it a try.

Five classes and average about 25-30 cars per race.
Yes I've heard about the move to ITA but the 88 has all the same parts like above. Some of the parts for the 88 though have two different #s so I assume Honda did a change mid year.
BTW Peter if you could help me with some info on setting up my accord I would be greatful. I just want to race being competitive will come with time and more of a budget. LOL. Also how much do you want for your car. Please on teh last one send me a email. Thanks bud
That is exactly what my add would say about NASA and the new owner can continue the fight with the Comp Board to have it moved back to ITB.

MADDOGJP, e-mail me at [email protected] and I will give you the details on the car. I do not know what I am going to do next year and I am attached to my Accord, but I would consider letting it go.