Will factory wheels stand up?

Most definately - a OEM wheel will work just fine. In fact, that will be stonger then most racing wheels. (Unfortunately often heavier as well.)

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude si
I concur. Honda make some good stuff. (Although they probably don't actually make 'em....but anything that has a Honda label on it seems well designed and built.)

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Thanks....I have a set of Audi 14" wheels i was considering using, i think they came of an older quattro or sumpin'...(kinda honeycomb lookin") not as much meat on these as the Honda's, but lighter...any thoughts on these as well????

Thanks again
Those Audi wheels will stand up to anyting... You will destroy something else on the car long before those wheels.

Trust me we have gone through a good 10+ Audi's in this family including flipping one 7 times and while 1 wheel broke the others remained in tact... although the suspension wasn't quite as strong
2 other Audi's have been totaled where racing wheels would have been destroyed and all that was damaged on the tire was the nice finish

We also used to run the Mount Washington Hillclimb where we had out ITB cars airborn sever times a run and never came close to bending a rim (used OEM wheels).

In general I would say that most OEM wheels are far stronger than aftermarket wheels.

Raymond "we do a lot more than Road Race Audi's" Blethen