Winter Driving


New member
Since I am SO old, I never took a formal driver's ed class. I have learned from my parents, boyfriends, husbands, and most of all from my sons. But we all went through that first winter driving experience with white knuckles (unless you were like Raymond and Stephen who were biting at the bit to get out in the snow).....when I saw this article on, I thought, what a neat idea....let's exchange what we've learned and interestingly enough, what would you tell someone who has never driven in snow, what to do if they were forced into the situation? Since we are from all over the US, I'm sure our experiences will be very different.
Might I add, driving in the snow in this decade is SOOOO different than driving in the 60's and 70's......we used to get 10 ft. snow drifts.......yadayadayada....gee, do I SOUND like my grandmother????? :114: :biggrinsanta:

Defensive Driving Skills & Safety

How to Drive a Car in Winter Weather

Driving your car while the roads are snowy and icy can be a stressful ordeal. While some vehicles are well-suited for the snow, some are not and require preparation and know-how to keep the car under control.
Get your car serviced regularly. Preventive maintenance is key. Make sure your battery, cooling system, and windshield wipers are in tip-top shape. You'll spend less money servicing your car than you'll spend towing and fixing it if your car gives out while you're on a dark, snowy road.
Buy snow tires or add chains to your existing tires if you live in a very snowy climate. Snow tires have special treads that dig through the snow and allow the vehicle to have better traction, They're also made of a more tender type of rubber, so that they don't freeze hard in cold temperatures. All season tires do not clean themselves of snow properly and become clogged in deep snow.It is best to get snow tires for all 4 wheels, but if you're running on a tight budget and your car is rear-wheel drive, you may be able to get away with just adding snow tires to the rear. Most tire stores will only install snow tires or studded tires to all four wheels of a front wheel drive vehicle. The rear tires should have equal or greater grip than the front tires to provide safe braking especially when going downhill.
Put a few sandbags directly over the rear axle if--and only if--you have a rear-drive vehicle. This isn't the safest idea. The weight of the sand provides more pressure on tires to provide better traction, but the added weight in the rear of your car decrease maneuverability and braking because the added weight will increase momentum and if too much is added it could "sling" the rear of the car out in a turn. The sand in the bags could be used to provide traction when you're stuck by pouring some sand in front of the slipping tires. When they're in your car, tie them down if they're in the passenger area so that they don't move or fly around if you do end up swerving. But be very careful when braking if the forces on your car are not equally distributed (e.g. braking while turning), because you will have the tendency to spin backwards.
Look ahead and keep a very safe distance from the vehicles in front of you (double the distance you normally would). Keep scanning the vehicles in front of you and look out for brake lights. If you've kept your distance you should be able to bring your vehicle to a stop with distance to spare, instead of having to slam on your brakes and sliding into the vehicles in front of you.
Ease up on the gas if your car starts to slip in place while you're trying to accelerate from a standstill. Remember, the wheels have better traction when they are not slipping. If you have an automatic transmission put the selector lever to 2. Most cars lock the transmission in second gear to facilitate easier starting from a slippery surface.

Don't let this be you.Drive slowly and carefully. No matter how much preparation and experience you might have, the way your car will move on snow or ice always has a big element of unpredictability. Anticipate turns and stops so you can approach them gently. Do not accelerate into turns. Coasting through the turn works best in deep snow or on icy roads.
When stopping plan well in advance, apply the brakes gently, and slowly add pressure rather than fast sudden braking. Intersections are often extremely icy so do not rely on being able to come to a stop in your normal bare pavement zone. If the wheels do lock release the brake and re-apply gently. Usually, repeatedly tapping the brakes has good results. (This is only true if you don't have anti-lock brakes. If you have anti-lock brakes, the best thing you can do to stop the car quickly is to apply firm constant pressure to the brake pedal.) Steering is virtually impossible if the front wheels are locked and if there is an obstacle in your path and a collision is imminent, it is best to release the brakes to unlock the front wheels and steer around the obstacle with no gas pedal applied. (There is much confusion caused by the ambiguity used when instructions are given regarding skidding and the direction of the skid. A great number of people fail to realize that skidding involves the loss of grip of the rear wheels of the car (with rear wheel drive cars) and occurs when the rear of the car is trying to pass the front. To correct for any skid -let up on the gas and gently turn your wheels in the direction you want to go. It is a very natural desire to turn that way and so there is nothing complicated to have to remember which way to turn. Be careful not to over correct and do not re-apply the gas until you are again headed in the direction you want to go. If you happen to see someone in the ditch facing the opposite way they were traveling - they undoubtedly turned the wrong way or did not let up on the gas.
Don't accelerate while turning! When people say "accelerate," they usually mean speed up. But, remember from high school physics, that there are really three ways to accelerate (change your velocity). All of the three can cause skidding. They are (1) speeding up, (2) slowing down, and (3) changing direction. If you're doing one of the three, don't be doing another simultaneously. For example. if you're turning, don't speed up or slow down, stay at a constant speed. If you're in the middle of a turn and discover you're going too fast, remember, now is not the time to brake! Wait until you've finished turning and avoid a skid.

Stay calm if your car starts to slide. Panicking will cause you to slam your brakes which will make the situation much worse.
Front wheel drive vehicles tend to handle snow better than rear wheel drive vehicles, but must be driven differently. For example, if the back end of your car starts to slide in a vehicle with FWD, turn the front wheels the direction you want to go and gently accelerate to pull the car out of the slide. Rear-wheel drive owners should take their foot off of the gas in this situation.
Keep your gas tank full for 2 reasons: if you do get stuck somewhere and you're completely isolated for a period of time, you can use your car for warmth. It also prevents water condensation from forming in your gas tank. (some fuel additives are available on the market that "remove" the water mixed in your fuel.) Carrying a thick old blanket, coat or sleeping bag in the trunk is wise, too.
There's no shame in asking a passenger or a passerby to give you a push if you're stuck. Sometimes a little nudge from the car behind you will help. Be careful when using a tow rope. It's easy to rear-end the car towing you if you gain traction suddenly. It's best to be pushed, but be sure the pushing vehicle is touching your bumper before they start pushing to minimize damage to both vehicles.
Carry a set of jumper cables with you in case your battery dies. Most people will offer a jump but few people will actually carry the cables. Your chances of getting a jump-start increase 10-fold when you have your own cables.
If you are stuck in the snow and want to run your engine to stay warm, get out of your car periodically and remove any snow that's clogging your tailpipe.
Carry a small plastic bucket with a good fitting lid full of a sand/ salt mixture in your trunk along with a small shovel. If you find yourself stuck and alone sometimes putting a little sand/salt mix under your tires can really help give you some traction and allow you to get yourself unstuck. Kitty litter also works but not quite as well.
Make sure you turn on the engine and heater and scrape the snow from the car before setting out.
For cars with manual transmission only - the very moment your car skids, engage the clutch. by doing this, you just took any torque off the wheels, and skid stops by itself.
Every time you approach a bridge or overpass - do your best just to coast over, without any acceleration or braking. The wind blows faster because of the aerodynamics of the bridge, which chills the road and ices over bridges faster than normal roads.
If there is a lot of slush between lanes, and you do have to change lanes - plan this ahead of time and do it at very low angle of approach, holding steering wheel steady. slush has a tendency to work almost as a suction strip that may cause sudden change of direction.
You may want to avoid cruise control when conditions are slippery. Being on cruise control can make you less aware of a car slipping out of control and slower to respond to a skid.

Never keep your vehicle in 4-wheel drive for long periods of time if you have it. Most 4-wheel drive vehicles are part-time, which means that they normally drive on 2 wheels and switch to 4 wheels when the going gets tough. Running in 4-wheel drive mode all the time will cause a lot of additional wear and tear on your drivetrain and it will significantly reduce the lifespan of your vehicle.
Even if you're a good winter driver and have a very capable vehicle, keep in mind that there are other drivers on the road who are less capable of controlling their car.
Remember that 4-wheel drive only helps you get going, and does nothing when trying to stop. If you drive a 4WD vehicle, don't be overconfident; you are not invincible.
If you end up idling with your engine on to stay warm, crack the door here and there to make sure that deadly gases (especially carbon monoxide) don't build up in your car. Sometimes having the window open is not enough. Open the door for approximately 20 seconds to exchange the air in your car.
Do not drive if you are sleepy or you have had alcohol. Being sober is not only a prerequisite for driving safely, it is also essential for driving in winter conditions.
Before putting chains on your vehicle make sure to read your owner's manual. Some vehicles prohibit putting chains on the tires and can seriously damage the vehicle.
Never park your car on a hill/gradient in freezing temperatures. Even though your car may stay in place for a while, melt on the tires will eventually run down and re-freeze underneath the tire. The ice will build up over time, slowly detaching the tire from the road. At some point the buildup will be enough that your car is no longer touching the road, and your car will start to slide down the slope!
A good visualization technique is to imagine that a raw egg is sitting under your accelerator pedal. No more speeding!
A pleasant, sunny day is no guarantee that you will have good driving conditions. Watch out for black ice, which is ice that extra slippery, yet so thin that it takes on the (black) color of the roadway. People are less careful when the hazards (such as black ice) are less obvious, so watch your own driving habits and those of the cars around you when there is black ice.

Things You'll Need
Keep these things handy in your car:
Ice scraper
snow broom
traction-aid tracks
jumper cables
a small shovel can also be useful in deep snow (you can buy shovels with telescopic or folding handles for easy storage in your trunk in most hardware stores)
a small container of sand/salt mixture.
some extra windshield washer fluid (especially if your car's dashboard doesn't have a warning light for it)
Emergency kit containing non-perishable food, warm clothing, blankets, and first aid supplies.
Check with local regulations before using chains or studded tires, as they're illegal in some places.

Can't wait to see all the comments on this one.....
I was taken out to a local parking lot in Andover MA and told to do donuts...i figured out drifting pretty quick when I was 14 (now 38) Then I was told to go around the perimeter of the parking lot without hitting snowbanks or spinning out. Did that for a while (we drove big RWD American cars back then) then my sister got a Beetle...lots more donuts and fun to follow so when I got my license it was old hat...I got my first FWD car in 1987 (626) I think within 2 days in the snow with that car I figured out zero turning radius parrallell parking and drove with the ebrake on 90% of the time because you can get a FWD car sooooo sideways!
As a boy raised in the West Texas Panhandle, we got plenty of snow each winter and tons of ice. No big drifts, but plenty to have fun on. Any large parking lot was fair game for donuts and drifts. It kept you sharp for driving in the really bad stuff with the idiots.

When the family moved to El Paso I was amazed at the stupidity of the majority of drivers. Every road in town is built on the side of the mountains and looks like San Francisco during an earthquake. Almost every intersection is either on top of a hill or at the bottom of one. You had to really be careful with the nuts coming down the hills, sideways, full lock and plummeting through the red light sideways. As soon as they got to the other side, they sat there with their wheels spinning and sliding back down the hill towards the same intersection they had just used to practice their auto bowling. So many of the drivers in the city have so many accidents during the winter months that they can't afford insurance, so those who can spend a fortune on it.
***I'm sure our experiences will be very different. ***

@ 14 years of age I was driving a car hauling wrecker from the garage I worked at to accidents where county/state police were involved. Hmmm, they knew I was a un-licenced driver. :018:

Later in my driving teens we would take our down hill skis & a tow rope (like for water ski) with us in the car after a fresh snow & head for the country roads that were less traveled. Need I tell you more. :023:

Have Fun ;)
Ah, yes. Jeep tobogganing is the best! Kinda like David, we used a long rope and tube in an open field. Never tried that as a kid though. :lol:
I've found the roads to Vermont, (I 81) provide a nice packed powder during a storm, and since there were skis on the car (going skiing) and a tow rope, if just made sense to get a few extra runs in, courtesy of the interstate highway system...
Before there was drifting, there were large mall parking lots that provided plenty of real estate for top speed, full opposite lock sliders, especially after hours.

The best thing to remember when driving in the snow? E-brake is appropriate virtually anywhere!
"... if the back end of your car starts to slide in a vehicle with FWD, turn the front wheels the direction you want to go and gently accelerate to pull the car out of the slide."

You'd only see this type of text from a site that wasn't worried about liability! Which, is refreshing to see...

I definitely look forward to the first couple of snows each year. Yee-haw! It's the only time you can really practice any car control skills on the street without traveling ridiculously fast.