Just looked up ice racing to keep the juices flowing....
Ice Racing Event Description
Boston Chapter Driving Event
Ice Racing
Up to 5 Events on Sundays
(Occasionally on Saturdays)
during the period:
Sunday, January 21 through
Sunday, March 26th, 2006.
TENTATIVE: Specific dates
will be announced via the
Boston Bulletin
Event Registration
Event Details and Registration
info is on the Ultimate Calendar
Tentitive Location
Newfound Lake, NH
Event Coordinator
Stan Jackson Jr.
(603) 744-5035 eves
Ice Racing
Ice Races are designed to be safe, low-pressure events in which all participants have fun! The primary goal of Ice Racing is to develop drivers who can successfully control their vehicles in adverse driving conditions with consistency.
Consistency requires that winter driving techniques become natural reactions, which carry over in safer driving on icy, wet, and even dry roads. These natural reactions develop through using the least amount of input for the desired response and doing it smoothly, becoming aware of the car's individual qualities and handling, and by spending time on the ice practicing car control. As we are striving for consistency, we average scores when it is reasonable to do so.
You must Pre-Register using our online registration system to run in any Boston Chapter Ice Race. Pre-registration does not obligate you to attend an Ice Race. Payment is accepted during Registration at each event.
We plan for five Ice Races each season. Events are generally held on Sundays; however, we may occasionally schedule a Saturday event. In 2006, Ice Races will be held during the period January 14th through March 26th, inclusive, which provides eleven possible weekends. The specific dates will be determined based on ice and weather conditions, as well as on the date of the first event. The Parker Spooner Memorial Ice Race is tentatively scheduled for March 5th, 2006.
The status of each tentatively scheduled event is announced on the Ice Racing Bulletin. The final decision each weekend will be posted by 12:00 noon on the day prior to the event. .
Ice Racing Bulletin
The Ice Racing Bulletin is distributed via e-mail through the Boston Chapter Bulletin and is posted on the Boston Chapter website as well. It is sent out periodically during the weeks when events are scheduled, generally on Wednesday evenings and early Saturday afternoons. The latest Ice Racing Bulletin is your best source for event status. Additional details such as event updates, ice conditions, and weather conditions will be distributed via the Ice Racing Bulletin as well.
Please subscribe to the Boston Chapter Bulletin and select the option for the Ice Racing Bulletin. The Boston Chapter Bulletin delivers important event information year round. For more details please check out the Boston Chapter Bulletin Information.
More Information
Pre-Registration, Registration, and Car Classification
Timing, Scoring, and Trophies
Race Day Information
Directions to Newfound Lake
The Ice Racing Committee
The following individuals make up the Ice Racing Committee of the Boston Chapter BMW CCA. Should you have any questions or requests, please do not hesitate to speak with any of us.
Most questions should go to the Ice Racing Coordinator, Stan Jackson Jr.
Oversight Committee
Ice Racing Chairman Stan "Iceman" Jackson (603) 744-8559
Ice Racing Coordinator Stan Jackson Jr. (603) 744-5035 Stan Jackson Jr.
The Oversight Committee reserves the right to modify the Ice Racing Rules as appropriate to ensure the safety and security of all participants and observers, and in fairness to overall competition. We are open to your suggestions for improving our events.
Good luck and see you on the Ice!
Ice Racing Event Description
Boston Chapter Driving Event
Ice Racing
Up to 5 Events on Sundays
(Occasionally on Saturdays)
during the period:
Sunday, January 21 through
Sunday, March 26th, 2006.
TENTATIVE: Specific dates
will be announced via the
Boston Bulletin
Event Registration
Event Details and Registration
info is on the Ultimate Calendar
Tentitive Location
Newfound Lake, NH
Event Coordinator
Stan Jackson Jr.
(603) 744-5035 eves
Ice Racing
Ice Races are designed to be safe, low-pressure events in which all participants have fun! The primary goal of Ice Racing is to develop drivers who can successfully control their vehicles in adverse driving conditions with consistency.
Consistency requires that winter driving techniques become natural reactions, which carry over in safer driving on icy, wet, and even dry roads. These natural reactions develop through using the least amount of input for the desired response and doing it smoothly, becoming aware of the car's individual qualities and handling, and by spending time on the ice practicing car control. As we are striving for consistency, we average scores when it is reasonable to do so.
You must Pre-Register using our online registration system to run in any Boston Chapter Ice Race. Pre-registration does not obligate you to attend an Ice Race. Payment is accepted during Registration at each event.
We plan for five Ice Races each season. Events are generally held on Sundays; however, we may occasionally schedule a Saturday event. In 2006, Ice Races will be held during the period January 14th through March 26th, inclusive, which provides eleven possible weekends. The specific dates will be determined based on ice and weather conditions, as well as on the date of the first event. The Parker Spooner Memorial Ice Race is tentatively scheduled for March 5th, 2006.
The status of each tentatively scheduled event is announced on the Ice Racing Bulletin. The final decision each weekend will be posted by 12:00 noon on the day prior to the event. .
Ice Racing Bulletin
The Ice Racing Bulletin is distributed via e-mail through the Boston Chapter Bulletin and is posted on the Boston Chapter website as well. It is sent out periodically during the weeks when events are scheduled, generally on Wednesday evenings and early Saturday afternoons. The latest Ice Racing Bulletin is your best source for event status. Additional details such as event updates, ice conditions, and weather conditions will be distributed via the Ice Racing Bulletin as well.
Please subscribe to the Boston Chapter Bulletin and select the option for the Ice Racing Bulletin. The Boston Chapter Bulletin delivers important event information year round. For more details please check out the Boston Chapter Bulletin Information.
More Information
Pre-Registration, Registration, and Car Classification
Timing, Scoring, and Trophies
Race Day Information
Directions to Newfound Lake
The Ice Racing Committee
The following individuals make up the Ice Racing Committee of the Boston Chapter BMW CCA. Should you have any questions or requests, please do not hesitate to speak with any of us.
Most questions should go to the Ice Racing Coordinator, Stan Jackson Jr.
Oversight Committee
Ice Racing Chairman Stan "Iceman" Jackson (603) 744-8559
Ice Racing Coordinator Stan Jackson Jr. (603) 744-5035 Stan Jackson Jr.
The Oversight Committee reserves the right to modify the Ice Racing Rules as appropriate to ensure the safety and security of all participants and observers, and in fairness to overall competition. We are open to your suggestions for improving our events.
Good luck and see you on the Ice!