Winter Plans -- New Thread


New member
Just looked up ice racing to keep the juices flowing.... :D

Ice Racing Event Description
Boston Chapter Driving Event
Ice Racing
Up to 5 Events on Sundays
(Occasionally on Saturdays)
during the period:
Sunday, January 21 through
Sunday, March 26th, 2006.
TENTATIVE: Specific dates
will be announced via the
Boston Bulletin

Event Registration
Event Details and Registration
info is on the Ultimate Calendar

Tentitive Location
Newfound Lake, NH

Event Coordinator
Stan Jackson Jr.
(603) 744-5035 eves

Ice Racing
Ice Races are designed to be safe, low-pressure events in which all participants have fun! The primary goal of Ice Racing is to develop drivers who can successfully control their vehicles in adverse driving conditions with consistency.

Consistency requires that winter driving techniques become natural reactions, which carry over in safer driving on icy, wet, and even dry roads. These natural reactions develop through using the least amount of input for the desired response and doing it smoothly, becoming aware of the car's individual qualities and handling, and by spending time on the ice practicing car control. As we are striving for consistency, we average scores when it is reasonable to do so.

You must Pre-Register using our online registration system to run in any Boston Chapter Ice Race. Pre-registration does not obligate you to attend an Ice Race. Payment is accepted during Registration at each event.

We plan for five Ice Races each season. Events are generally held on Sundays; however, we may occasionally schedule a Saturday event. In 2006, Ice Races will be held during the period January 14th through March 26th, inclusive, which provides eleven possible weekends. The specific dates will be determined based on ice and weather conditions, as well as on the date of the first event. The Parker Spooner Memorial Ice Race is tentatively scheduled for March 5th, 2006.

The status of each tentatively scheduled event is announced on the Ice Racing Bulletin. The final decision each weekend will be posted by 12:00 noon on the day prior to the event. .

Ice Racing Bulletin
The Ice Racing Bulletin is distributed via e-mail through the Boston Chapter Bulletin and is posted on the Boston Chapter website as well. It is sent out periodically during the weeks when events are scheduled, generally on Wednesday evenings and early Saturday afternoons. The latest Ice Racing Bulletin is your best source for event status. Additional details such as event updates, ice conditions, and weather conditions will be distributed via the Ice Racing Bulletin as well.

Please subscribe to the Boston Chapter Bulletin and select the option for the Ice Racing Bulletin. The Boston Chapter Bulletin delivers important event information year round. For more details please check out the Boston Chapter Bulletin Information.

More Information
Pre-Registration, Registration, and Car Classification
Timing, Scoring, and Trophies
Race Day Information
Directions to Newfound Lake
The Ice Racing Committee
The following individuals make up the Ice Racing Committee of the Boston Chapter BMW CCA. Should you have any questions or requests, please do not hesitate to speak with any of us.

Most questions should go to the Ice Racing Coordinator, Stan Jackson Jr.

Oversight Committee
Ice Racing Chairman Stan "Iceman" Jackson (603) 744-8559
Ice Racing Coordinator Stan Jackson Jr. (603) 744-5035 Stan Jackson Jr.
The Oversight Committee reserves the right to modify the Ice Racing Rules as appropriate to ensure the safety and security of all participants and observers, and in fairness to overall competition. We are open to your suggestions for improving our events.

Good luck and see you on the Ice!
Have fun guys, i gu-an-tee you WON'T see ME out there freezing my feet, fingers and n@ts off!

I'll turn up the shop heat and make some parts...maybe I can make a race before November in Atlanta next year!
Or - here is a real novelty - save your money, invest some time and that saved $$$ into your regular racing program so you can finish all the races!!!!!! :)

Edit - to add smiley...
Andy with all due respect I think you should look at this from the driver education perspective.

Ice racing is perfect for all entry level racers like myself, you and everyone here on this board. Those that don't want to do it are only hindering themselves. You can learn a ton about car control...

I encourage you to go out and try it, EVERYONE I ran with in the rain this year could benifit. The post that started this thread mentioned the BMW chapter. the cost is somewhere around $25 per event so total investment is less than $150. So in Andies situation I feel a better investment would be to skip the first NHIS race that is about $200 and use that towards your car prep.

Good luck to all,

PS: Thanks for the link to the Wheel to Wheel stuff.
My smilies didn't show up! But there was some seriousness to my comment there Big Blue. To finish first, you must first finish! Not only am I searching for power this winter, I am searching for reliability - all while I hit the kart track a few times.

And while you are 100% correct about car control, I think 10 years running Solo across the country has me coverered :)
And while you are 100% correct about car control, I think 10 years running Solo across the country has me coverered :)

Ah, my dear, KIND, sir, with all due respect and not because I'm the mother figure of Stephen, I agree with him. My first driving instructors in SCCA (Manny Matz, Ken Payson, and others who were in the instructor pool back when) all told me to get as much competitive seat time as possible -- be it auto crosses, ice racing, rally, test days, or just lapping days.....any type of track time is good learning track time and learning time. The old saying..."you can't teach an old dog new tricks " is far from true in racing. You are ALWAYS learning. When you feel you have stopped learning then you need to sit back and wonder why you are doing this. And you should wonder if you would become a danger to others. Yes, been there, done that.....but I do know, after 30 years, I'm still learning about car control. I can't wait to get something to drive so I can get back into the auto crosses at least.
Raymond was the FASTEST IT car out of ALL IT cars in the Rain at LRP for the NARRC RUNNOFFS. (not all miatas...) He was much faster than I was and he had a slipping clutch. I obviously have some work to do to catch up if I want to be as competitive as I should be in the rain. I think slick driving will help improve my confidence and ability.

I think the most imprortant thing you can learn in Ice racing is to find the grip, If you watch the people racing at LRP that weekend it was terrible! 70% of the cars were using a dry line in the rain! A LOT of us need more training and or experience in those conditions and Ice Racing is perfect for that. You will not get the same thing out of autocrossing.

Also remember I have an AUDI not an INNIE :) Not everyone has one and the parts you cannot by off the shelf and most you can't buy at all. And before you say what you are thinking... a new car sounds great, let me know if you find one race ready for about a 6 grand that is competitive like mine with at least 1 track record. I cannot afford a new car every few years like others here on these forums.

Look, it's a good suggestion. Continual driver development is great. I was half ribbing you guys for funneling money out of your 'reliablility' bucket and into your 'driver skill' bucket. We all have a finite amount of cash and we have to look at all of our 'buckets' in the off-season in an effort to get our program to what matches our goals.
I always wanted to try this....At least once!
I don't see any enduros....Any co-drive
opportunities out there?
Ray, you mentioned that some clubs will allow people to practice away from the timed event on the lake while the event is going on. This is what I'd be really interested in doing (versus an autocross event in the freezing cold and only getting a few minutes of driving time).

I'd love to do the ice racing thing to get better in the rain! Obviously it works for you guys.
Hey - can you shoot me an email when you go do these races? I run an '00 A6 quattro 5 speed as a street car and wonder if I can run laps with this on the ice? How far away is the "track" from Belchertown MA - my sisters place. Figure visit for the holidays and spring ICE RACING on them :035: