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"When the Heck?"...are we gonna see that Corrado at LRP?

Anyone doing a VR6 for ITS in the Northeast? Nothing cooler that then sound of one of those at full stink.


Andy Bettencourt
ITS RX-7 & Spec Miata 1.6 (ITA project)
New England Region R188967
Bill S. has been building one for a year or two now, not sure when it's going to make its debut.

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI (sold) | MARRS #25 HProd Rabbit
SCCA 279608
You know, we thought about it. Mine is still sitting in the driveway eatting insurance premiums.

But then we got to thinking. Other than being a total pig (the front end weight of these cars is just ridiculous), parts for these cars are just outrageous. And they have enough electronic crap on them to sink a small ship. Where do you get body panels? There aren't any of these cars in the junkyards, and the body panel places look at you funny. The few guys who thought to buy up wrecked cars charge an arm and leg for them. The estimate is that of the less than 4000 Corrados sold in this country, less than half are still on the road or at least driveable (there are a few in mint condition in garages). Pretty sobering.

So the car looked for a new home, and we are supposed to see a check this week. Hopefully. Otherwise we'll just keep trying to sell it. But I get to drive it to work tomorrow because the Safari is acting up.

Lesley Albin
Over The Limit Racing
Blazen Golden Retrievers
Force5auto.com (One of Our sponsors) always seems to have a couple in his Pen that he is parting out.

Great deals, good people. He seems to havehelped a lot of VW people in the Northeast (thanks for using him everyone) and from what I have herd he has treated them very well.

We will also help deliver to races that we are attending.... if anyone needs anything brought to the ARRC let us know and we will try to fit it in...



RST Performance Racing
1st and 2nd 2003 ITB NARRC Championship
1st and 6th 2003 ITB NERRC Championship
3rd 2003 ITB ARRC Sprint Race
4th 2003 ITB ARRC Endoro
1st 2003 AS NERRC and NARRC Championships
Lesley's right, the cars are pretty scarce, and stuff is very pricey. I used to have a '93 SLC VR6, and I had to look every so often just to make sure they were still VW badges and not Porsche badges. Especially when I bought parts for it (which was too often for a street car). Granted, a lot of the things that failed would be removed on a race car, but still. The other thing, is that they are VERY popular w/ the VW enthusiast crowd, and they snap up a lot of the ones that are no longer road-worthy.


4000 total Corrados, or just the VR6 cars? I think the body work and a lot of the mechanicals are interchangeable between the G60 cars and the VR6 cars.

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI (sold) | MARRS #25 HProd Rabbit
SCCA 279608
I was wrong. Dah. That's what I get for not referring back to the info I had. Just over 18,600 total (G60s and VR6s) were sold in this country, and about 970 in Canada. The 4000 came from a low-ball estimate of how many are still driveable, but probably no more than 8000. Pretty low number. The insurance companies hate them; total them at the blick of an eye. And for some reason people like to run off the road and hit things with them. And so many of them have just been trashed with aftermarket junk that it just makes me sick. Why would you do that to a car that is so much fun to drive?
And don't forget tearing up the car to put in a big stupid stereo and speakers.

Lesley Albin
Over The Limit Racing
Blazen Golden Retrievers