Quick intro. Dave Gran's coworker for the past couple of years. Got me into AutoX. Then I got out to Lime Rock last November, and was hooked. Had to race. Got a side tracked earlier in the year; hawaii; needed to stop renting and buy a condo; girl; you know the usually life things. Then things started clearing up last month, and Dave spots this car. I had planned all along to build one, but this was too good to pass up. And it means I can get out sooner.
So, yes it's true, I just got my first racecar. '84 Rabbit GTI. Not a front runner, but then again, with a newbie at the wheel, how could it be. The plan is 3 HPDE's before winter; then a couple in the spring; NHIS school; probably a couple more HPDE's; Lime Rock School; then off to the races.
Here are a couple of pictures of Serenity (name may change) at Dave's house.
Quick intro. Dave Gran's coworker for the past couple of years. Got me into AutoX. Then I got out to Lime Rock last November, and was hooked. Had to race. Got a side tracked earlier in the year; hawaii; needed to stop renting and buy a condo; girl; you know the usually life things. Then things started clearing up last month, and Dave spots this car. I had planned all along to build one, but this was too good to pass up. And it means I can get out sooner.
So, yes it's true, I just got my first racecar. '84 Rabbit GTI. Not a front runner, but then again, with a newbie at the wheel, how could it be. The plan is 3 HPDE's before winter; then a couple in the spring; NHIS school; probably a couple more HPDE's; Lime Rock School; then off to the races.
Here are a couple of pictures of Serenity (name may change) at Dave's house.