your new "competition" for next year


New member
Quick intro. Dave Gran's coworker for the past couple of years. Got me into AutoX. Then I got out to Lime Rock last November, and was hooked. Had to race. Got a side tracked earlier in the year; hawaii; needed to stop renting and buy a condo; girl; you know the usually life things. Then things started clearing up last month, and Dave spots this car. I had planned all along to build one, but this was too good to pass up. And it means I can get out sooner.
So, yes it's true, I just got my first racecar. '84 Rabbit GTI. Not a front runner, but then again, with a newbie at the wheel, how could it be. The plan is 3 HPDE's before winter; then a couple in the spring; NHIS school; probably a couple more HPDE's; Lime Rock School; then off to the races.

Here are a couple of pictures of Serenity (name may change) at Dave's house.
Yup, change the name!! There is no serenity when driving a GTi!! :D

Sounds like a great plan. Try to get as many HPDE events in as possible before the first school. Driving the line, seeing the flags, knowing brake points, etc need to be second nature before you get out there with traffic. The other important factor is to make sure it is reliable. You want to spend your time racing, not fixing!!

Don't give up on the competitivness of the GTi. I think with the weight break, a well developed GTi could run up front. Unfortunately for you, there is some stiff competition in the NE in ITB. But you already knew that!!

As always, if you need any help, give a shout!!
Hey, I see my trailer in the background!!! Hope it didn't transport that "new" ITB car... lol Just kidding, let us know if you ever need any help, looking forward to racing with you!!!

Raymond "Any freind of Dave we must watch out for :birra: " Blethen

You have a fine car there, and a GREAT mentor. Dave is, as we all know, well versed at the startup /grassroots racing thing, and is maybe the nicest guy in the paddock on top of his expertise. You are very lucky to count him as a friend and mentor.

Now, about the name. Gently put, Serenity is a better name for a boat. An old boat. An old, uncompetitive and poorly maintained boat.

When doing the HPDEs, keep in mind that you'll need to have the ability to drive fast off line in club racing. Practice that a bit...sometimes guys with big PCA or club backgrounds come in and they get all jammed in the head because "The line" isn't always available.

Again, welcome!
Awe! Thanks Jake. As long as he doesn't let me do to much work on the car (why do I have all of these extra bolts?), he'll be fine. Oh, and he has some really, really super cool vinly on the hood of his car!!

Nice car Jon.

I have to say when getting into racing I never expected there to be so much support among racers, even to those who don't even know you! That fact that you see Ray's trailer in the background is just another example of this.
Hey, I like the name. Serenity is when you feel at peace with yourself, doing something you love and finding that something is your therapy from the everyday stresses of life. Racing is a therapy for many, so serenity fits. That's MY story and I'm sticking to it! :wacko: