1st Gen. ITA tire/wheel size - Panasport

Originally posted by dyoungre:
...... The comment was meant more to be a friendly 'dig' at Jake.... I'm sorry to have confused you.....

That's why I said "imagine"! (When I started thinking about the math, I remembered the lawn I need to mow, the roof I need to install.....)

Besides, I know better than to be too specific with all the engineers lurking!

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Guys, the special thing about the people on this site is that they don't get their shorts all wadded up in a odd bundle.

No matter what the subject, it's always fun.



[This message has been edited by ddewhurst (edited July 23, 2004).]
Quickshoe - true comment about the tire, and I think that points out one of the less mentioned aspects of Hoosiers versus some of the other brands; they tend to be lighter than others - less MOI. I haven't done any calculations, but I can't argue with my back to back experience. Good wheels did make more of a difference for me than just making the car look better!

...and nobody let Jake's humble nature fool you; he knows his science too!

Dave Youngren
This is a great topic. I have always wondered how much of an effect my heavy arse steel wheels had on the performance of my car. So, the dumbed down version for us folks who changed majors after 2 years of engineering in college would be that science would indicate that heavy wheels vs. light wheels shouldn't make that large of a difference. Correct?

The point about the tire being a more critical part of the equation makes a lot of sense. I always though that trying to spin these heavy wheels up then slow them down again could be hard mechanical work.

ITA #33 Rx7 L-O-L
Originally posted by 7'sRracing:
paul, I have a set of panasports with 8 half life hoosiers im going to be selling next month, are you interested? make me an offer


Send me an email, mine is [email protected]


Great discussion all. This is a great little forum!

Paul Pineider
ITA 05 (Soudiv)

[This message has been edited by cpa7man (edited August 02, 2004).]
Hi Paul, you gave me a email adress that dosnt work.

I get my new house keys on aug 25th after moving from calif to wa state, ill get my racecar and wheels out of storage then.

wheels have 8 races on them and are still look new, im moving from ITA to E/P so ill be using 15" wheels.

Daryl Brightwell
Spokane WA
Originally posted by 7'sRracing:
Hi Paul, you gave me a email adress that dosnt work.

I get my new house keys on aug 25th after moving from calif to wa state, ill get my racecar and wheels out of storage then.

wheels have 8 races on them and are still look new, im moving from ITA to E/P so ill be using 15" wheels.

Daryl Brightwell
Spokane WA

Daryl, I put the right address [email protected] or at work [email protected]

That's funny because I just sent my check off to buy an e-prod car. I may keep the ITA car and rent it out. Still undecided. If I can afford it I still want the 13" wheels. My ITA car pulls like crazy but I get killed in the twisties. It would also help me sell the car with proper race wheels. What are you doing with your ITA car?

Paul Pineider
ITA 05 (Soudiv)

WTB - Used transponder.

[This message has been edited by cpa7man (edited August 03, 2004).]