2006 Tech / Compliance - NERRC/NARRC

Actually, I meant take a breath, as in, relax. But I'm OK with the double meaning!! :lol:

well I read your post as it, breath...relax. But then remembered what it was like when a NOS equipped vette hit the little red button down in Ocean City leaving me, my girl and my dogs coughing and tearing. (no I was not trying to race a vette in my little frontier.)

Actually funny thing, a friend came by yesterday due to the nice weather with his very barely street legal Chevelle that runs on AVGAS. It had me imitating onion duty in the kitchen in a matter of seconds.
This sucks!!!!

My only competive advantage as a dentist was the free Nitrous......and now you're all on to me.

How the hell am I going to use free floss as an advantage ?????

Not sure about racing advantage, but im sure if you braided some into 'bikinis' you could make a killing down in south beach.
Rob, you're killing me. You need to watch some Spiderman or Batman movies. I'm thinking a small harpoon with undectable dental floss shoots out at a faster car (only cause they're cheatn' son of bitches) and you reign them back in.

Then there's the ole Fluoride trick. Have a button on your steering wheel and if someone gets too close, drop it on the sucker. We'll see who has a bright smile then! Just bring laughing gas for the steward when protested and you're all set.

You guys are brilliant!! I just thought all the free toothbrushes would just give me the cleanest rims in the paddock.....I need to stsrt thinking more "racy"........


Get ready for the "Molar Roller" coming to a track near you soon.......................................... :D