this is obviously going nowwhere.
the "most" drivers did not want to go to vir on mothers day weekend for a double. input was conveyed to the drivers reps who voted for them. period. end.[/b]
I call road apples.
Which is it - we aren't going to VIR because of the "issues" related to 2-day double and track time or Mother's Day? Cause at the time VIR/Mom's day was first raised it was presented as the operational aspects and at the Comp meeting where the schedule was
dictated to us, I was told the same thing - the operational issues. Mothers' Day was a secondary issue.
So, now it's a Mother's Date issue exclusively? Riiiiighhhht.
the decision was to try a different weekend or a different track.[/b]
Wow - so Gayle lied to me when she said at the last comp meeting that NCR had no response about turning the event into either a 3-day or a single? She'd have no reason to raise this issues if it was a Moms Day thing. I'll have to ask Gayle about that.
the 08 sked is not going to change, no matter how many internet polls are started.[/b]
Why? I thought the Doctrine of Papal Infalibility related only to decisions made by the Pope. Guess I need to brush up on my latin cause I clear missed the bit about the Comp Committee.
you want to race at vir mothers day? vote with your trailer and drive down there anyway in 08.
Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot. You don't want to run for MARRS points on Mothers' Day - vote with your trailer and don't go.
Let's cut to the chase - the most vocal drivers reps don't want to race on Mothers' Day, therefore and regardless of what additional or new information may be gathered, MARRS shall not race on Mothers Day.
all the data analysis in the world ain't gonna prove squat because;
-it doesn't show how many folks went to vir because they HAD to for points, whether they wanted to or not.
-it doesn't show how many don't want to go back due to the conditions last year.
analyse away.....
yep and trying to shout down someone attempting to gather that information won't show it either - but it will guarantee that those who don't want to go back to VIR get their way.
Oddly, very reminiscent of the way competition committee meetings work.
And frankly, if the idea of not returning to VIR for mothers day is so damn popular, then G. Robert's attempt to whip up support won't go anywhere.
So, why the attempt to muzzle him?
Y'all think about that.