So, question....
I think I read that "best*" 8 NARRC finishes count. Plus three "track bonuses" of 75, for a theoretical total of 2475, correct? That is, 7 wins, @ 250, plus 1 win @ 500.
And there are 16 possible races, right?
(Question: Is a "best" finish determined by finishing position, or NARRC points? ie, do you take a win at any track (250 points), or a third at the NARRC-offs? (340 points)
So, that means you need to attend more than the above mentioned 4 weekends, if only to keep the competition from getting top points.
Doesn't seem like it's easy to win to me. Seems like you have to attend lots of events and do well. Which seems like it should be. Ideally I can see it would be better to count from the bottom up, or to award points for cars beaten, to adjust for the size of the class, but yea, that can be challenging for the pointse keeper.