2015 NERRC schedule

updated based on JB

April 11,12 Summit Point
May 23,24 New Hampshire Motor Speedway
June 6,7 New Jersey Motorsports Park
June 20,21 Nelson Ledges
July 18,19 Watkins Glen International
August 8,9 Pocono International Speedway
September 19, 20 Pittsburgh International Raceway
October 9,10 Thompson Speedway Motorsports Park
NERRC series could be great one. 4 tracks/7events
let's get it structured so folks will participate, please!
NERRC series could be great one. 4 tracks/7events
let's get it structured so folks will participate, please!

How about this, Lower Entry Fees and make it affordable to run more than one event in peoples minds. When its 500.00 before I load a trailer, there is an issue. Lower cost= higher volume. Buisness 101

And yes I have been at this for years. Why do cars that cant/wont double dip need to subsidize cars that can and will double dip. (Miata)

Rant over now.....
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Come on Dan, you know the answer!
Expenses are fixed, so the only way to lower entry fees is with more entries.
Come on Dan, you know the answer!
Expenses are fixed, so the only way to lower entry fees is with more entries.

Yes I know the answer.

Lower cost= higher volume. Higher volume = higher income.

If you get 30 cars at 200.00 = 6000

At 150.00 you would need 40 to make the same money, BUT if the 200 is the break point and 150 is reasonable to say another 20 plus the original 30. Thats 50 at 150=7500.00 so 1500 more.

Its simple math, the issue is haveing the balls to try. Cause its a huge gamble. Raising entrys however is a sure bet to lose customers due to cost break point.

Just sayin....
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Its simple math, the issue is haveing the balls to try. Cause its a huge gamble.
Dan, can you send NER a list of names that you've talked to who said, directly, they have chosen to not enter an event because of the price? And of those numbers, did you ask them what price they would be willing to pay? I'm quite certain your marketing studies - as well as your experience in microeconomics - would be sincerely appreciated.

Alternatively, how about you cut a deal with the region where they agree to reduce the entries $xxx if you cover the revenue shortfalls (assuming there are any, which you seem to think there will not be)? But there's the kicker: they could agree to give you the increased revenues in return for your risks. That way you're risking your money instead of someone else's, and you could publicly prove yourself correct!

Assuming you have the balls to try... ;)

I didnt actually read your post. Just saw your name and decided it didnt have pictures or charts to look at and was to long for my redneck micro econimical rotard brain to comprehend
BUT since we are on the subject.

This is a good discussion that shouldn't get brushed under the rug. What is the actual price point that creates a barrier to entry. If the general consensus is that most racers only do 2 weekends a year due to cost, what would make them do 3 or 4 in terms of cost.

And yes, I know the costs are fixed. This is a perfect world discussion in regards to the question at hand. We are wondering why the club is graying, is the cost a reason or are we all just rich old guys and the club will disappear when we die.
As you know, that requires marketing studies, ones that the club/region is not prepared to make. Hell, instead of "30 cars at 200.00 = 6000", how do we know it might not be better to raise the entry fee to $1000 and we'll get eight entrants? More revenue, fewer workers needed, less collateral (food, beer, etc) expense?

Answer is, we don't know, and we don't possess the tools and knowledge to figure it out. So we rely on the leadership to WAG/POOMA what they think the market will bear, given known costs thus necessary revenue to break even. If someone does have that expertise and could bring it to bear, I think we'd find very little resistance toward adjusting the price to either maximize the revenue or maximize entries (which aren't the same).

Casually speaking, if we sense there is a large latent number of people out there waiting for a $50 (or whatever) decrease in entry fees, then we should answer to that. But I'd be kinda surprised if that was the case. - GA
I do think we should make every effort to try some NEW ideas. For example last year we had some big money maker weekends and a weekend that we lost a bunch of money on. Historically we have the data so with little effort we can tell the trends on where we lose money. (Autocross... Haha jk) anyway here is an idea...

Let's say entries are fixed at $375 (terrible new trend we have the last few years) then the double dippers save about 1/2 of that at $200 I think. Why don't we open up the double dip to another NER weekend that had low attendance so everyone can take advantage of it? The double dippers may still double dip and the other drivers that only come to one or two weekends may double dip on another weekend. Kinda like how cranmore mt sells ski tickets... get your lift ticket 1/2 price for the second day every day but Saturday. Maybe we open this up to participants at a highly attended event?

How about if we rent our cars to people from other sanctioning bodies for the CRE we provide a discount?

Our how about like the pro guys do with a "season" pass?


I assume we all race for free at Palmer anyway this year :-)
I also think we need to focus on more entries not more money because bigger entries breed more entries... for example see Dave grand post...

Long term we will continue to shrink if we don't have more "racing" and more competition.

ITEZ, barriers to entry (what ever it was called??) , Chump cars or Lemonds are not the answer.
Because the costs to continue are too high!
As Stephen said, lower entry fees will bring cars.
We need to make a bigger deal of our events.
Promote our, one of a kind, series NERRC.
make racers want to attend!

Sebring's Turkey Trot (regional) had 340+ entries @ $230.
I think lower entries that encourage participation are key to drawing more cars, that's why I like the multi race discount approach. I also still think that anyone that travels more than 500 miles to race in our region should get to race for free. And before we think that is all complicated I think it's easy. Whatever your home address is that you used to register with SCCA is what we use for our Google maps start and the track we are racing at is our destination. I don't think we will lose money on this at all... all we are doing is inviting people from far away to see how fun it is to race with us. And that increases our participation which increases the want to attend for the locals when we have bigger fields...

Because the costs to continue are too high!
As Stephen said, lower entry fees will bring cars.
We need to make a bigger deal of our events.
Promote our, one of a kind, series NERRC.
make racers want to attend!

Sebring's Turkey Trot (regional) had 340+ entries @ $230.

What a great idea!!!!! Lower entry fees will bring more cars. Glad someone smarter than me was thinking about it.
We are wondering why the club is graying, is the cost a reason or are we all just rich old guys and the club will disappear when we die.

I haven't been at this as long as some of you, and I'm sure there are stats to determine the truth of this statement, but if you ask me, the club has always been gray. Is it really getting grayer? I know this seems to be the case with workers. But drivers? I don't know.

As far as decreasing entry fees goes, the only realistic way to do so is to find more entries. I agree with Stephen that we need publicity in order to do so. (IMO) The only people that know about the SCCA are already racers and family/friends of those racers. Those people already know what we're about and either race with us, or don't (whether that's because they can't afford it or don't like us). If we get more people to the track, we get more exposure. With more exposure, we get more interest. With more interest, we get more participants.

Now who wants to make some flyers and put them up at Autozone? :114:
they have chosen to not enter an event because of the price?

For me, anything over $300 makes me take a much closer look at what product I'll be getting. The near $400 LRP entry fees (and I'm a "LRP fanboy") makes me gasp, think how my wife is going to kick my butt for that stupid expenditure, and I question it too. If there were more than two events there, no way I'd be going there for more.

Now who wants to make some flyers and put them up at Autozone?

That's actually a great idea! But instead of wondering who else will do it, time to step up to the plate. ;) Hell, I've put my money where my mouth was time for more people to do it and be a bigger part of the solution.