I ran a 85 MR2 my first year and liked the car very much. I am still on the fence about selling it or not, I realy do not want to but who needs two IT cars? It was a great car to start out with. The only problem that I had was with a blown clutch and who knows how much it had been run before I got it. I strongly echo what Jake said, I went through 2 sets of tires (300+ at school on one set and used them for two more events) I never had to change the pads, and the little sucker ran every time, and it is different I gotta be different but there is a price to pay for that. I could keep up with the RX7's and did very well in the rain when only one Honda showed up. Why do I not run it anymore...I got my school and first season out of the way, then built the car I always wanted to run.