
I'm not sure I understand what sucks about the rear torsion bars. They're just as effective as coil springs, they have a much lower unsprung mass, and they're much closer to the ground.


The part that sucks is that they are more difficult to change and the spring rates are limited by the bar diameter or by whats on the market vs. a $50 coil spring( which should be allowed in IT, but that is a different story.) Hey I am all for the 944S, it will be a great car when in the hands of you guys that know what you are doing with them, good luck.
The 944S fits the process very well - using very 'Posrche' like IT gain numbers - ie: minimal.

Rhetorically speaking (love those big words), why is BMW the only major manufacturer to leave significant amounts of horsepower on the table to be exploited for IT purposes? :huh:


Maybe I should hire a professional driver.

I should have given more background - the car was fine on smooth tracks but the bumpy tracks were the challenge - i.e. Lime Rock


This doesn't sound like a brake problem as much as it may be a suspension problem.
Maybe I should hire a professional driver.

I should have given more background - the car was fine on smooth tracks but the bumpy tracks were the challenge - i.e. Lime Rock

Shocks are a big deal at Lime Rock esp under trail braking into Big bend...where trail braking was invented. It's the trail braking poster child corner!

It's not.
Damit, there I go feeding the troll.

Right! you maroon! HE even said it was rhetorical!!!! LOL ;)

LOL... as an ABS engineer, not just a Porsche driver, I'd love to hear your reasoning behind this... :happy204:
The real PITA, IMO, of the rear suspension is the difficulty in setting camber and toe properly. NOT easy.

Bingo...my 911 (very similar to the 944 in concept) is at the limits of the eccentrics, with new trailing arms, new Wevo SPS spring plates and new monoballs, and the thing still has toe out and too little camber! Grrrr...............