A qusetion about racing at Pocono

Ed Tri-Region

New member
I am the Chairman of Tri-Region, the group that runs the June Regional and Aug. Double National at Pocono.

Our Regional has been loosing money and we may have to drop it from the schedule. It looks like we can't cut much out of the expense side, and we don't want to raise the entry fee, so that means we need to attract more deivers. So the question is:

If you don't race at Pocono why not? If not what can we do to get you to come?

We will be using the same course we used last year. Clockwise with the natural "bus stop" schane at the end of the Longpond strait, plus the normal 5 turns in the infield. That creats two, second gear turns, two high speed braking and passing zones, and gets ride of the long boring stuff.

Please help us make this event a success. Send me your ideas.

1. Get us our trophies... We are still waiting for ours from 2 years ago... first wins ever and nothing to prove of it. Not everyone in the family got their trophies from last year either. All could be made happy if we could get the picture (picture trophies) of our Audi’s that was featured on the back of pit talk. That one picture would take car of 2 days first and second place trophies…but no-one seems to want to help us on that.

2. Improve the tracks attitude.

3. Create some sort of evening activities to draw attention...

There is very little marketing or excitement created by your region for this event...

You need to do something to attract people other than just say we are going to run a very impersonal event in the middle of nowhere on a big straight track.

Personally I love the track, it is one of my favorites... it is a great road trip for the RST performance Racing family and I like the excitement of reaching top speed in my car... not many other race tracks offer that. We make Pocono a unique adventure weekend for our crew and us. We make it fun for ourselves though; I do not see the region doing anything to make it fun or worthwhile other than supplying the event date.

Please take this as constructive criticism and not an insult... I will still go either way.

Raymond Blethen


RST Performance Racing
1st and 2nd 2003 ITB NARRC Championship
1st and 6th 2003 ITB NERRC Championship
3rd 2003 ITB ARRC Sprint Race
4th 2003 ITB ARRC Endoro
1st 2003 AS NERRC and NARRC Championships
First off I want to thank you for asking. It is few and far between times when the stewards actually take the time to see what we the drivers really want to do.

Personally I really enjoy Pocono, I enjoy the fact that we can actually get to wind up the car, and focus on drafting and high speed banking.

Personally although I really like the old configuration where we go counter clockwise and take 1, 2, backstraight, tunnel turn, then into the infield. I think the most demanding and technical is the opposite direction where we turn into the infield before 4, out to the back straight and then turn into the infield coarse before turn 2 WITHOUT THE CHICANE. This layout was fast, and fun and gave the track a whole new thrill.

Once again thanks for asking.

Tom Blaney
I think Pocono is a blast to drive. I have to ditto two of the last remarks though - a decent trophy makes a happy driver. I never got my trophy from two years ago either and it was my first top three. Some fun in the evening - worker raffle with some wine and beer also builds some comraderie and makes you want to see old/new friends.

A little marketing also helps - you asking what the drivers want on this site will really help. Maybe go for a vote on how the track gets configured. I personally like going into turn one (counterclockwise) with a full head of steam and "roll with the bowl".

Thanks for asking,


You need to market the uniqueness... it is sooo different and the drafting and long straights are NOT boring, you need to figure out a way to address that... and turn it into a positive rather than a negative... saying we added a chicane in the back straight "gets ride of the long boring stuff" is not the correct wording. The track was never boring and never was a bad place to race was it??? Isn’t the entry numbers dwindling??? If they are that would mean that is was fun/attractive at some point, and you have to ask yourself; Why WAS it fun?

I would guess the bad press is really the downfall to the event… people bitch about trophies and about track layout and about organization… you need to change that image

PS: what are the track records??? Is it documented anywhere? If not then I think you need to go back and figure it out… many people in the smaller classes run for the pure race of a track record, as they don’t have any competition… maybe that would help? It would also show that the region was making efforts to make this event better…

Another idea… write an add/article inviting people to a “new” Pocono and submit it to the regional newsletters like “Pit Talk.” Only claim it to be a “new” Pocono event if you are actually going to make it better and change stuff.

Raymond Blethen

PS: No matter how much I want more competition at Pocono I will still continue to mention the trophy thing (bad press) in every post about Pocono until the problem is addressed correctly.
Put a lemonade stand at the chicane or get rid of it, its very hard to trust other drivers going in and out of it. I think there is more potential for crashes there then anywhere else on the track.

Anthony Serra ITA 99
We can always coin a great negative marketing adage - "the lame chicane..." I didn't like the chicane either. That was the only part of the track I didn't like. Sure it's fast going into the banked turn but hey - that's what we like!

Heck - I'd write some marketing copy and volunteer recruiting copy for an enhanced event. I'm with Stephen though - when I do well in a race, I want some hardware. My 6 year old kid gets a better participation trophy for playing soccer!

For me a picture doesn't really do it.


(Its Raymond although Stephen would agree so its ok... everyone mixes us up especially in person!!!)

anyway if I even got the picture it would be better than nothing. (personaly I do like the pictures)

My Dad adds (he is afraid of the keyboard but likes the mouse):

The Chicane is awful in an AS car...

Unfortunatly he runs in that group of a lot of rich people who can't drive... I imagine it is especially horrible getting past by a GT car who then goes slower than a Showroom Stock or IT novice through the chicane. Deffinatly more of a hazard than it is worth. In an IT car you don't brake hard. IT cars are what % of the entry?

OK done posting, time for more input from others!!!

Raymond Blethen
Hmmmmm.....why I ...and I'll put this politley,....am not a fan of Pocono. Well, there was the time tht it rained and rained, so I broke down and spent my hard earned cash on a garage. Stupid me, there was more water IN the garage than out! Something to do with the paddock being higher than the garage floor, and water finding the low spot. I have heard rumour that this has been fixed, but it does point to the general condition of the physical facility.

The course configuration keeps getting changed. As I understand it, the old flat out from the entrance onto the front straight just before pit in, all the way until the left "Devils elbow" is a thing of the past. Again, rumour has it that it was "too dangerous". Too bad, I liked the challenges of the drafting, and the fun of the banking, and the challenge of the tight turn after running at top speed. Seperates the men from the boys, so to speak, and I say that knowing I might not end up in the right category! I know we need to eliminate uneeded risks in racing, but if the course is anything but the one I described, I'm staying home. Too far to go to run a Mickey Mouse chicanery course in cold rainy miserable weather.

Also, the food blows.


Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Ed--If you have to raise the entry fee, go right ahead.

All events are important. Hate to see any lost.
I like Pocono, for the unique chance to run the cars wide open and where the drafting strategies can be fun. It seems true that it rains often and I hear people complain about it.
If you don't have an endurance race scheduled, you may look into the income potential/supliment of that. I'm sure Brian (hi Brian), could give you the logistics. NER pulled one of last year at NHIS and I know of a couple of us looking forward to going back. If it comes down to it, raise the fee. I, like joeg, would hate to lose the event. Best of Luck
I would not suggest increasing the rates without changing something, you will only loose more people. a $50.00 increase to the weekend expence is a large inpact for the drivers and probably not much of an increase for the club. Not to mention if you don't make it better you will only loose more people thus you will not end up gaining the extra entree fee.

Make things more expensive without increasing the value is a SHORT term resolution to the problem.


If rates increase more you are likely to loose 3 entrants... The trip is already our most expensive of the year.

[This message has been edited by RSTPerformance (edited January 16, 2004).]

<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">Well, there was the time tht it rained and rained, so I broke down and spent my hard earned cash on a garage. Stupid me, there was more water IN the garage than out! Something to do with the paddock being higher than the garage floor, and water finding the low spot. I have heard rumour that this has been fixed, but it does point to the general condition of the physical facility.</font>

It's more than a rumor. The original garages, built in the early 1970's, were torn down in 1998 and replaced with a completely new structure. The new garages are modern and completely open in NASCAR style similar to NHIS and the Glen.

<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">The course configuration keeps getting changed. As I understand it, the old flat out from the entrance onto the front straight just before pit in, all the way until the left \"Devils elbow\" is a thing of the past. Again, rumour has it that it was \"too dangerous\". Too bad, I liked the challenges of the drafting, and the fun of the banking, and the challenge of the tight turn after running at top speed. Seperates the men from the boys, so to speak, and I say that knowing I might not end up in the right category! I know we need to eliminate uneeded risks in racing, but if the course is anything but the one I described, I'm staying home. Too far to go to run a Mickey Mouse chicanery course in cold rainy miserable weather.</font>

The course configuration has changed a few times over the years - a combination of safety and set up considerations. The current course that Ed described in the initial post retains the high speed characteristics of Pocono including NASCAR Turn 1 while adding new passing opportunities. With the positive feedback that we had from competitors last year, I do not anticipate any further changes,


Thanks for asking. My two cents...

Make it a NARRC event. That should pick up a few cars.

Invite the MARRS people up again. Those were well attended.

A joint MARRS/NARRC event would be great. It's fun to run with people you don't see all the time.

I love running through Nascar 1 full tilt in my ITB car, but the chicane really kills it. I would prefer to run counter-clockwise through 1 and (if you must) put a fast, open bus-stop chicane before the Tunnel Turn to moderate the speeds and braking entering Devils Elbow.
I've driven the other configs, but I like the current configuration the best.
Like the Bus Stop too.

ITB Fiat Spider
FP Lancia Scorpion
I read and re read all of the posts and without much more you are in trouble.

That being said what do you do about it.

I'v observed over my 63 years that marketing brings sales and in this case people.

How do we market Pocono.

Put in some damage control:
1. purchase the throphys that the people won and we clear up a big point.
2. get the track personnel and the club members together so they see both are human, I know all of the track personnel ,personally and they would love to meet more SCCA people, and they are human just like us.
3. have the stewards roam around the paddock and talk to people.Too many times the young kids in racing are intimidated by the upper eschelone of SCCA.and they resent it very much.
4. Have a lunch break party instead of an after race get together. Too many people go home after the day. I know we can't drink during the day so save that part till after racing.
Make people feel wanted

We need to do one other thing invite other regions to our track, some suggestede we make it a MARRS event and a NARRC event combined. Lets do it.

To the leaders of the club --Desperate times take Desperate measures,--- try everthing that has been suggested within reason and write to every person who raced a car in an SCCA event at Pocono the last ten years and BEG them to come. Trust me they will.

I would hate to see us lose races at Pocono, I'm available to all to help where I can, all one has to do is ASK!

Love "the commander Mike Cefalo

Mike cefalo "the commander"

#1: That would be great
#2: Seems like that would be a good step in the right direction... I think the big area that people complain about is the track employees that direct you were to park... the guy at the gate seems nice.
#3: Most of the stewards no me, so they in turn do say hi, but that might just be cause I am a Blethen!!! I would hope they are nice to other young drivers as well.

#1: That would be great, I would love my trophy!!!

#2: Seems like that would be a good step in the right direction... I think the big area that people complain about is the track employees that direct you were to park... the guy at the gate seems nice.

#3: Most of the stewards no me, so they in turn do say hi, but that might just be cause I am a Blethen!!! I would hope they are nice to other young drivers as well.

#4: Great idea to have a lunch party... make sure it is advertized in advance otherwise it will only be a nice surprise for those few that did show up.

Other comments: One of the events is a NARRC event, and they tried to make the other regional a NARRC as well last year, but there was a mix up. Being that it is a NARRC is a big reason we do go.

I like the idea of writting to all current members that have raced within the last few years (maybe not 10) and ask them to fill out a survey... be sure in the survey to ask why they have not come back (if they were not on last years entry) and ask what people would like changed... oh ya nand ask for details on what configuration each person likes, maybe even draw out all the options that have been used. After you recieve feedback, send a second letter with the preregistration packet to all people letting them know what will be different.

Personally I like the 3 day weekend with the enduro friday, race saturday, race sunday.... I think the region thought this would be the best way to gain entrants... I don't think that should change, but I don't think that worked alone... Add to it... Like someone said before asking here is at least a step in the right direction.

Raymond Blethen
The staff attitude needs to improve a little. My Dad and I raced there last year and found our reception rather cold. Were both new to this and are always asking dumb questions.

Get rid of the chicane or move it closer to the tunnel turn if were going to run counter-clockwise.

Open up more of the paved paddock area. Were all good neighbors and will police own paddock area. That way when it does rain we won't be as miserable.

Run more enduros. Pocono is close to us and we would love to run there if there was some incentive. Were looking forward to running more enduros as we did our first late last year at the Glen and had a blast even though I was involded in a five car wreck in turn two that ended our race shortly. If there was a little more track time than it's worth our while. The double regional was nice too. Since we share our Porsche 924 (for not much longer) we liked the format of two different races like they have in NASA (no flames please).

I hope this helps. I would hate to see this event dropped off the schedule altogether because Tri Region really doesn't have a lot of options for race venues right now.

Jeremy "half a second faster than my dad at Pocono" Jadczak
ITA Porsche 924