Hello All,
I have ben reading this thread with interest mainly because like Mike, I am a local to Pocono (30 minute tow) so I am always interested in what goes on there.
FWIW, up front, I do not club race (at least not yet) I am a Solo 1 / TT competitor.
What about combined "small track" events at Pocono?
Has this ever been considered?
Pocono has three tracks in it,,, which can all run at the same time.
What would you all think of doing a combined event using the following format (this is totally hypothetical off the top of my head):
North Course: Race groups ex. IT / AS / Prod
South Course: race Groups ex. SS / T1 / T2 / GT
East Course: Solo1 - Time Trial
Race groups swap tracks
Solo 1 stays on east course - runs different direction (everyone says East is too narrow for Wheel to Wheel racing)
This gets more racer on the tracks, increases track time, gets full utilisation of the facility.
When I started getting into solo 1 there was something like this at Pocono. That was the year before I built my car,,, I then built my car and the event went away (supposedly the racers hated something about it). Now we have no Solo 1s at Pocono.
I probably drive Pocono as much as anyone,,, maybe more,,, about 12 - 14 days or more every year. Either instructing, competing in TTs, or doing lapping days.
I like the individual tracks there.
Like Pocono's big track,,, all three are very different and fun in their own way.
Would no racers come if they raced on the smaller tracks?
Is Pocono's only appeal the long course configuration (which I personally think is kind of a bore)???
Heck the North course is the same length as Lime Rock.
The South course is the only place in the Northeast you can get a taste of the banking. The South course can even be run both directions (which is alot of fun).
I know alot of guys cross over from SCCA to EMRA and EMRA "only" runs the individual courses because thats what they can afford,,, and they do very well.
Every EMRA event I have ever attended there was very well sold.
Not drawing comparisons here, but I think maybe an SCCA re-think of the big picture Pocono strategy might be in order.
Maybe if attendance is down drop down to one of the smaller tracks or run a combined event using all three tracks .
I dunno, I am just brainstorming,,, quite self serving really,,,, mostly because I'd love to see a Solo1 back at Pocono, which has it best likelyhood if it was tied to a Club Race,,, and that does not seem likely at all given the trouble they are having putting on races there.
My last thing,,, Like my buddy Mike has said,,, give the Pocono guys a break,,, they are good guys.
A little gruff until you break the ice,,, but good guys.
Just keep in mind they see ALOT of knucklehead "hotshoes" there every summer. That track works 7 days a week from April until Oct. Usually all 3 courses going all the time.
Once you get to know them a little they are great guys and will really help you out if you need it..
Sorry for the long post.
Thanks for reading this far.
Jim Pettinato
Scranton, PA
#98 BMW M3 - ITE