1) Terry was Director of Club Racing at the time the announcement was made. Go back and read the email i sent.
2) I'm not concerned about the decisions that were made way back when. I'm concerned about what is happening right now, and what decisions will be made in the future. Today, Terry Ozment is VP of Club Racing, and Ed is track Manager at Heartland Park.
3) you are excellent at telling me i'm wrong, but terrible at proving it.
4) i don't see how any reasonable person can say the success of both regional and national racing are at least somewhat related to each other. i'm not even going to waste my time on this one.
5) you'll notice that in the message i did not specify any of the mentioned mistakes as a direct result of the Ozmnt/HPT/SCCA relationship. I never claimed to be privy to any information that would support that. But that doesn't matter to me. I believe the current situation creates a conflict of interest, which regardless of actual influence, should not be allowed to exist.
6) look, i saw a situation i didn't like, and i spoke up about it. if you go back and read the last paragraph of the email i make concessions about my potential misunderstanding about what has happened, and the underlying motivation for the message. if you can't at least respect that, well....
7) I tried to keep the email and thread as polite and professional as possible. congratulations, you ruined it. so i politely say to you "fuck off john. seriously."
To address your points:
1. It is common knowledge that the SCCA Board of Directors made the decision to move the RunOffs to HPT. The decision wasn't up to anyone named Ozment, and I believe that Mr. Ozment didn't even work at HPT at the time the decision was made. You have repeatedly inferred that there was some Ozment cabal that shanghai'ed the RunOffs to HPT. You are good at tossing shit-bombs until you are challenged, and then you dismiss it as "not important now"
2. See response #1 above, especially the last sentence.
3. You claimed that Nat'l racing provided more entries/income than Reg'l racing. You didn't provide any substantiation to that claim, which any semi-conscious person knows is wrong. Why do I have to prove that you're just "making stuff up" ? Why can't you back up your statements ?
4. "Reasonable people" ? Ha. You can't explain your claim here, either. Explain me this: What has SM Nat'l racing done to SM Regional fields ? How does a strong Nat'l program affect a Region that only hosts Regional races ?
5. Weasel words, again. You've used false facts and innuendo to sling crap, and now you're trying to deconstruct the tower of cards that you've tried to assemble ? You ARE a prize.
6. You've done more than speak up about it...you've demanded a course of action...that would be the "Terry must go or Ed must go" part of your email. Since Ed doesn't seem to work for SCCA, one of those choices seems to be a little problematic, and based on my limited knowledge of contract and employment law, if it was attempted, would likely be "actionable" on Ed's part. Great...everybody gets sued. Other than point out the fact that Terry works for SCCA and Ed works for HPT, what "conflict" have you identified ? None. He doesn't own HPT...he just works there.
7. I started off by simply asking for an explanation of a factual claim (that would be the $$$ of Nat'l vs. Reg'l thing), which you had ass-backwards. You then implied that there was some sleezy 'Ozment plot' to move the RunOffs to HPT, which you could not factually justify. Once we got to that point, you just became 'target practice'. BooHoo. Sorry I made you cry. But, IMO, you are a silly ass who will defame people you've likely never met with false assertions about their positions, actions and motives. You, sir, are a fool.
Edit: (Dick...I knew there was an implied smiley there...)