Am I reading this right?

You know Rob there may be some truth in some of that, but I don’t believe anyone is pushing agendas that they know are wrong. I strongly believe that everyone involved in this is doing what they feel is best for thier part of the club. Not a self serving motive in the bunch, well maybe Joe.:D

Fixed that Dick.

We've got to balance class size with input. There were guys in 1 of 1 classes voicing strong opinions about money fund etc. So they can have an amazing technicolor [champions'] dreamcoat to walk around the paddock in.....Hmmmm

My read on this has always been that we are racing for the fun and memories, not money. Who gives a rats ass about $300?

I find it totally insulting to get a coffee mug for winning a race. I'd much rather get a dignified award of some kind. When I'm showing my grand kids my racing history I'd rather remember the event from a trophy. By the time I have grand kids $300 will buy you lunch at Burger King.

To those of you who have so many trophies you don't care about them anymore - don't be so arrogant to think the rest of us don't appreciate a quality award.
To those of you who have so many trophies you don't care about them anymore - don't be so arrogant to think the rest of us don't appreciate a quality award.

Why can't we have both (money and a decent trophy)? I remember getting my first NARRC check - It was $123.00 - I was proud to receive it. I purchased a tire with it.
We've got to balance class size with input. There were guys in 1 of 1 classes voicing strong opinions about money fund etc. So they can have an amazing technicolor [champions'] dreamcoat to walk around the paddock in.....Hmmmm


I hate this type of reasoning.

Every one of us pays the same amount for the same reward, regardless of the class size. If you want someone with only 1 person in their class have less input, allow them to PAY LESS into it. We keep going with class sizes as to whose voice is more important, but regradless of class size, we all PAY the same for the same benefit. You want a smaller subscribed class to have smaller trophies? Allow them to pay a smaller entry fee. Otherwise, it certainly smells to me (and them) like you are taking THEIR money for YOUR trophy.

BTW, I raced in a couple of classes last year (by raced, I mean I spent money on an entry fee....regradless of whether or not the car made the race :D ), which driver's rep would I go to? ITA or SPO? [smartass] My guess would be ITA, as it seems SPO would have less opinion and input on the matter. [/smartass]
I hate this type of reasoning.

Every one of us pays the same amount for the same reward, regardless of the class size. If you want someone with only 1 person in their class have less input, allow them to PAY LESS into it. We keep going with class sizes as to whose voice is more important, but regradless of class size, we all PAY the same for the same benefit. You want a smaller subscribed class to have smaller trophies? Allow them to pay a smaller entry fee. Otherwise, it certainly smells to me (and them) like you are taking THEIR money for YOUR trophy.

If you have a 3 car class maybe you should get a $5 trophy, but if there is 30 cars, I think it should be atleast a $50 trophy. Each classes money fund should pay for that classes trophy.

I personally do think that the winner of a 3 car class should never get the same trophy of the winner of large field of cars.
Let the trophy reflect the accomplishment. You want a bigger trophy, then race in more competitve class.

I agree with that logic - want to trophy to be proud of - race a more competitive class. But even the 3 car class winner should get better than a mug...

I put this proposal together - didn't get much play but hopefully got some ideas percolating:

The following is a recommendation to provide a higher level of driver satisfaction in how our club awards trophies to podium finishers. Podium finish is defined by 1st, 2nd or 3rd place. To earn a trophy you must beat at least one competitor or comply with the supplemental rules for each event or series.

Trophies should be defined as quality awards that indicate a finishing position in a motorsports event. Key chains, t-shirts, coffee mugs, beer steins are trinkets and do not reflect the level of time, effort and cost to finish in the top three positions of a very difficult and expensive sport.

Cost and effort – how can the club deliver quality awards in a cost effective manner that can be easily managed by each region hosting the race event?

Key assumptions:

1. During the Mini-Con conducted in 4Q 2007 drivers collectively expressed that they race for pride, accomplishment and trophies – not money.
2. The funds collected to pay out championship winners would be better spent on quality awards – this will increase driver satisfaction across a much wider group of race participants in our club.
3. Real trophies are difficult to move from one event to another and are hard to manage.
4. Drivers are tired of getting trophies – this applies to a small handful of men and women who consistently dominate a class. This is hardly applicable to the majority of driver participants and supports the premise that when a driver does achieve a podium finish it is difficult and should be handsomely acknowledged.
5. A trophy should create pride for the top three finishers of an event. (I remember a hard earned third place at Watkins Glen and I received a keychain. I had never been more insulted in my racing career than on that day – nothing would have been better. We do not want our club members feeling like this when they have accomplished a high finishing position.)


· The NE regions that operate race events would collectively identify the number of trophies needed for one year of races. The regions would fund the purchase of the trophies for each of the race events each region conducts. The Club will need to work the Treasurers of each region to indentify a fair way to pro-rate payment for the trophies.
· All trophies would be purchased at the beginning of the race season and would be good quality. The trophies will not be custom made for each event, but will have a generic statement comparable to, “SCCA Northeast Racing Series – 2008, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place”.
· The information specific to each event will be managed as follows:
o A roll of stickers, similar to the tech stickers, will be purchased
o The sticker will include the name of the event, driver, region, race series, date, fastest time and finishing position
o The sticker would be filled out by the competitor or the trophy steward when the trophy is picked up at the event.
o The sticker would be adhered to the bottom of the trophy so that the competitor will have a reference of the event
· Each region or regions that conducts race events at the NE tracks will work with each track to find a suitable place to store the trophies at the track to minimize the difficulty of transporting the trophies. Or, a designated party (parties) will take responsibility for transporting trophies. Considering the number of haulers going to the track, the drivers will take some responsibility to help the event stewards. Since trophies are generic for the season, ensuring adequate trophies will be at the track is not as difficult and there will be fewer wasted trophies.
· Generic trophies can be re-used across a variety of club events with the trophy sticker on the bottom being the event specific identifier.
· Each region can participate in the selection of the upcoming season trophies at the NE mini-con
· One person will need to volunteer each season to manage the purchase of the trophies and the event stickers and shipping of trophies to each track for storage. (If the track agrees to store the trophies, otherwise the trophies will be shipped to each region’s trophy hauler.)

Actions need to implement the recommendations

· Number of trophies needed for a season determined (we may buy twice – 1st half of the season, evaluate inventory, buy more trophies for the second half of the season.)
· Race series to evaluate contribution of cash winnings to the trophy fund
· Existing trophy funds will be identified independently of cash winning funds
· The total amount of funds must be computed and a budget established
· Each region must be invoiced for their share of the trophy fund
· A trophy cost estimate will be requested of three companies for the best quote
· A sticker will be created and printed by a graphics print shop
· Trophy storage and transport for each region must be established
· Trophies and stickers must be purchased, distributed and stored

I would request that this recommendation be shared with the appropriate parties at each region for their collective input. I am willing to assist managing this across the NE region.

Respectfully submitted for your review.
I hate this type of reasoning.

Every one of us pays the same amount for the same reward, regardless of the class size. If you want someone with only 1 person in their class have less input, allow them to PAY LESS into it. We keep going with class sizes as to whose voice is more important, but regradless of class size, we all PAY the same for the same benefit. You want a smaller subscribed class to have smaller trophies? Allow them to pay a smaller entry fee. Otherwise, it certainly smells to me (and them) like you are taking THEIR money for YOUR trophy.

BTW, I raced in a couple of classes last year (by raced, I mean I spent money on an entry fee....regradless of whether or not the car made the race :D ), which driver's rep would I go to? ITA or SPO? [smartass] My guess would be ITA, as it seems SPO would have less opinion and input on the matter. [/smartass]


I agree we all pay the same amount for an entry fee. Undebateable.

However, when I go to a meeting and I'm presenting a summary of feedback from my constituents and that discussion is going against a guy who races in an undersubscribed class, I disagree with your point. I'm presenting opionions or feedback from a class that has more participants on a given weekend that HIS class has all season. Why SHOULD that opinion carry as much weight as the ITA drivers' reps report? Furthermore that driver [or class] may be eligible for NATIONAL competition. IT is not as I know you know. Why should undersubscribed and national eligible classes have the same clout in a regional championship discussion???????

I fought hard for the 'regional only' guys and I'm proud of it.

I am with Rob on this one particularly where the topic of conversation here is taking the points fund that has historically collected and distributed by class and appropriating it to ”improve” trophies for all the classes.
From a person who got a/the big check

Let's see I never got asked for my opinion by anyone. I do know the ITB advocate but he also is an ITS advocate..... so he never asked me anything.
I agree with Tim... use a list of people and do some emailing.

Having said the above.... now I will give my opinion. I do not care about the $1,000+ or whatever the money is... it is small in the overall spend for a year. I DO care about a nice trophy... not a crazy big one but one that is nicer then a beer mug. I showed my 10 year old my "trophy" and she said "that's it? Why no trophy?" And I had to explain that is what the powers that be decided to give out this year. She did tell me she hoped next year that I would get a real trophy if I did well again. I had to agree with her. Don't get me wrong, I like the mugs... they could be swag... but for a year end trophy do not had out anything but a nice trophy.
I do also like swag.... Hey I like wearing T-Shirts and jackets and hats etc. especially if they are related to what I do or done.
I'd lower the fee and have less swag and small nice/real trophys. Also... please do not spend allot of money on the banquet... not all of us go to all of them.
My .02
I must admit - I am feeling a little embarassed now. All this time I thought the money fund award was for us to purchase nice trophies if we didn't like the trophy we recieved at a race from NARRC (I actually purchased the whole coffee mug set:rolleyes:).

Seriously - If you don't like the trophy presented (admittedly I don't always like them), use the Money Fund prize money you won to treat yourself to a trophy you think you deserve. The nice part about that method is, if you didn't get a trophy all year, you still get the money to purchase your own memento. A nice way for a driver to get something back and reward themself for a well fought season.

Keep in mind that if you just show up for 10 races at the various tracks you get 30 of the 50 points to "put you in the money" - Run in the top ten and you're in - pay day - Unless of course we were to go to top 3 only.
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