Any Pocono Updates?

hey bill
are you bringing that beast to the glen? i'm bringing the rx7 and looking forward to a great race!!!! I haven't runb the car in a while, but i will have a new set of hankooks and i will be looking to go faster than i did in october.
The results for Pocono are now up on

Tanks for the update!!!

Also just a small thing, not that important but:

The following was taken from Mylaps website:

**Due to the distance between the Start/Finish line and the AMB timing line, AMB lapchart may not reflect the actual race result for this event.**

The ITB results are infact incorrect. Any possibility of getting this fixed on the mylaps website? I know the "Final" results printed from timing are correct.

hey bill
are you bringing that beast to the glen?

Yup. Always run the Glen. Dont know how racey I'll be as the car is still not fully developed.
However maybe by then I'll have enough test days and will have worked out any bugs. To this day it's still only a Dyno queen. Not many track laps at all since the full conversion to ITS spec. The suspension is still a big "?"

I wanted to get out to Nelson today but the weather wasn't cooperating.