New member
A lot is written here and on Isaac's web site about single point of release being the reason for its not meeting SFI requirements. However, that is not the only reason. Another more serious issue, from SFI 38.1:
Direct attachment to react loads to a fixed point or points on a vehicle structure or restraint webbing will not be acceptable because of the potential for torso displacements with respect to these points.
With Isaac, the critical case would be a side impact, or multiple impact (roll/endo), where harness slips off the shoulder and pulls the driver's head sideways, potentially causing injury where none would have occured otherwise. Hans, Hutchens and R3 are all attached to the torso, and don't have that problem.
Interesting observation. However I have NEVER had my belts even come close to slipping off my sholders. I do see how it is possible... Has ANYONE ever experienced this in an accident? If the belt were to slip off the sholder are you a gonner anyhow? Maybe the Isaac actually would ensure that the belt couldn't slip of the sholder, making both the H&N system safer as well as the belts?
If that was the major concern (belts slipping) I would also think that Isaac could make a strap behind the head that would/could keep the belts from coming apart.
Ayway good observation, and probably an easily convinsable one to those who "jump to conclusions" without investigating (you first fooled me until I thought about it).