ARRC Travel, Parking

i have a 2500 diesal. does anybody have a 2 car tag along trailer to save an extra vehicle going south?
i can have somebody i know drive down with the trailer. i want to fly down.
Just another bump. I've submitted everyone listed above; if there's anyone else, speak up!

Everyone that is listed above, would you please send to me your contact info, including email address and cellphone numbers? Since I'm coordinating the parking within our area I'll need to be in contact with you in case your/our plans change. Please also indicate to me if you'd prefer to not have this info released to others within this group; I plan to create a small e-mailing list to coordinate the next weeks.

Ray, your name is missing...

One item of note: there are a LOT of enclosed trailers this year. In years past we've been able to create an open "corral" or "green" where we're in a common area; going by the listings here that may be impossible. the most likely scenario is to put two enclosed trailers face-to-face, where the side doors open facing the other one; that way we can put trailers very close back-to-back and maximize space. If you have a preference as to whom you'd like to face, please let me know. Alternatively, if you have an open trailer (which will have to go downstairs into the trees) ans you have someone with an enclosed you'd prefer to be near, please let me know.

Greg Amy
grega -at- pobox -dot- com


I am guessing that you are missing Ray Lee, and not me and my brother? Let me know if you need more info. Like I mentioned in my post way at the top, we have plenty of room to share space with someone that has an open trailer. Also we will be retesting the 8' projection TV this weekend at lime rock!!! Who is "camping" at the track and who is getting a hotel, and where? I think we will be staying at the track wednesday night and Thursday night and getting a hotel friday night to try and save some $$$. (We are on a tight budget this year :( ) We are also NOT staying for the Enduro and will be travling back saturday night after all the socials are done!!!

Contact info: (please share with anyone other than the spam posters that keep buging this forum)

rblethen at rstperformance dot com
cell: 603-738-6686
It would be helpful greg if we got a quick simple diagram ofthe layout that you are planning so that we can understand the final plan while we are parking our rigs.

Thanks for doing all the leg work;

It would be helpful greg if we got a quick simple diagram ofthe layout that you are planning so that we can understand the final plan while we are parking our rigs.[/b]

Couple things:

1. "Final Plan"? how about "Initial Plan"? I have no clue what it's gonna look like 'til we get there (and, historically, after a couple of Coronas and hand-shaking and hemmin' and hawin'); and
2. The space is reserved for the Northeast group and typically the responsibility for it delegated to me by the ARRC parking committe. They don't let ANYONE park on those spots until I (or my designated rep) show up... :)

So, it's in your best interest to make sure I get there safely... ;) Note the spaces are RESERVED for us and there's NO VALUE in rushing to get there early Wednesday; you'll just end up sitting in line anyway. Take your time, enjoy the ride, and don't worry about it. Show up late afternoon/evening and we'll have space for you.

Side note, if you do get there before me, don't start setting up tents, equipment, and such. Just stretch your legs, grab a brewskie, and put a couple on ice for me (see "Corona Rule" above). In all likelihood, you're gonna have to move once we all arrive. As in prior years, the final decision of layout isn't made until Wednesday night; last year there was a bunch of grumbling because tents and equipment all had to be moved. Sorry; our goal is to maximize the space while making sure everyone's comfy and to date it's all worked out in the end.

Ain't nothin' "final" until it is... - GA
Ray, your name is missing...


It won't be, if someone can get me and Kimmie a crew spot. We plan on doing some spectating, some hootin' and hollerin'. The plan is to arrive Fri A.M. and head back Sun A.M. Should be a lot of fun there as usual. :birra: :happy204:
I'm quite confident we can get you a crew spot. Each entry gets 5 passes, including driver and entrant. Between all these names on this list, we've got plenty. Right now I'm only using 3, but I may have family joining; I'll know later in the month.

Drivers'Entrants: don't forget that if you want to get through speedy registration, you MUST make these changes ONLINE before arriving at the reg shack. - GA
ARRC Parking, NorthEast Group

The parking is going to be a tad bit more difficult this year, primarily because of all the enclosed trailers. With so many of us in enclosed trailers it will be pretty much impossible to create a "common" like we've had in the past.

I've exchanged emails with Sandy, and what it sounds like they're going to do is give us the same area we used last year. We'll start parking on the end of the row, directly across from Hoosier, and work our way towards the middle. Last year it worked out well having Flatout's two-car enclosed trailer at the end, adjusted along the row to where it *just* fits inside the row width, with the trailer door facing towards the middle of the row; so, we'll do that with the Blethen's two-car enclosed (you can park your tow vehicle behind the trailer.) The Blethens should then set up their two cars, trailers, tents, etc along the length of the trailer, up to 15 feet out.

From there we will park another enclosed trailer, but with the trailer side door facing towards the Blethens. The distance between the two trailers should be <30 feet, enough for two 12x12 canopies between them and some breathing room (the less space you use, the better). That second entrant will set up their car, tent, and equipment on the Blethen side, with enough room at the end of the trailer for their tow vehicle.

The next enclosed trailer will be placed back-to-back to the trailer above, as close as possible (less than 1-2 feet, if possible), and then another one after that facing this one, <30 feet over, with cars and equipment in between.

If you'd prefer to not park face-to-face with someone, then feel free to park parallel to the backwall of the next trailer, but please do not use more than 12-15 feet between their back wall and your door-side wall. It'll be an aluminum canyon (and not nearly as friendly), but that's your prerogative.

Entrants with open trailers should then buddy-up with enclosed trailer owners, such that one open-trailer-guy will share space with two other enclosed-trailer-guys. It may sound too tight to do this, but trust me, it's not (we've done it before; it's better than you think.)

So, what this means is it's time to pick partners, if you have a preference. Please review the summary list below; enclosed guys need to pick another enclosed guy they want to paddock with, and open and enclosed guys should get together to share space. For example, Joe DiMinno and I will park our enclosed trailers facing together, and Jeff Lawton (open trailer) will paddock with us in our area. for everyone else, it's your option to coordinate with someone, or else we'll just do it on a first-come, first-served basis.

Using this system we can maximize the ability to work together while minimizing the space we'll be using. Obviously, it is key that we pack ourselves in as tight as possible while still remaining comfortable, that way no one from our group gets banished to outer space. Please do your best to use up as little space as possible, because there's only so much paddock space available. Note that if anyone parks before I arrive, and you are using more space than I feel is neccesary, you must be prepared to move. I can assure you that you will get AT LEAST 12 feet of width per entrant, but if you go more than about 14-15 feet you're cruising for a movin' (you can take your case to Sandy or Fletcher, but intuition tells me you may as well be talking to The Hand...)

The Road Atlanta paddock will be tight, lots of entrants, and this way we can all cooperate without someone in our group being dispersed. The ARRC parking committee is doing this as a favor to us, let's not abuse that trust.

Also, recall the electrical power in the paddock is very sparse; it's not unusual to see spaghetti at the power point. The plug will be across the right-of-way behind the Blethen trailer, so I strongly encourage the Blethens to spend some money on a good, high-amperage, very long extension cord with a good quality outlet splitter, and a breaker if possible. The remainder of your paddock mates will very likely (definitely) be looking to plug into your extension cord (and others into theirs), and this way we minimize the number of wires going across the road.

Finally, and I'm waiting to hear confirmation on this to see if we'll do this again this year, in prior years it helped the parkers to know that you're with the NE group so that they don't have to worry about where to park you; that's our (my) responsibillity once you get in. So, plan on parking out of the way some place outside the track and WALKING to the front of the parking queue, and courteously letting the VOLUNTEER (who is no doubt being bombarded by entrants wanting to get in) know that you are with the NorthEast group. It is possible that, in order to get you out of their hair, they'll allow you to pass the queue and go directly into our area.

Don't know where that area is? We'll be on the skidpad, slightly past the Sunoco station. Ask for directions to the Hoosier tent and we'll be in the row before them.

So, to summarize: Blethens first, park at the very end of the row AS FAR TO THE END AS POSSIBLE (don't be greedy.) Everyone else go two-by-two with no more than 25 or so feet between trailer sides.

"The best-laid plans o' mice an' men gang aft a-gley" (Robert Burns), so be prepared for last-minute changes. This is a good starting point so let's see how it works out. Be courteous, be patient, and let's enjoy a great weekend.

Any questions? Let me know. - GA

Raymond & Stephen Blethen, two ITB Audi Coupes, Ford F-350 Dually, 46' 2 car enclosed trailer

Greg Amy, ITA Nissan NX2000, Ford E-350 15-pass van, 24' enclosed trailer

Joe DiMinno, ITA Nissan Sentra, Dodge regular cab, 24' enclosed trailer

Jeff Lawton, ITA Saturn, Ford regular cab, 15' OPEN trailer

Chris Camadella, ITS Porsche 944, Ford F350 Crew Cab, 24' enclosed trailer

Rick Benazic, ITA Acura Integra, Dodge regular cab, 15' OPEN trailer

Bill Sulouff, ITS VW Corrado, Ford E-350 15-pass van, 24' enclosed trailer

Dan Jones, ITS BMW, Chevy Ext. Cab PU, 24' enclosed trailer

Jinx Jordan, ITC Honda CRX #39, Chevy Suburban, OPEN trailer

Tim Klavana, ITA Acura Integra, Dodge Crew cab, 28' enclosed trailer

Russ Jones, ITS Porsche 944, Pickup truck and OPEN trailer

Jake Gulick, ITA MAzda RX-7, GMC Pickup and 20' enclosed trailer
I wish everyone who came to the ARRC had their collective s**t together like I see here as it would make everyone on the Parking Crew's life much easier. In order to help us make your experience as pleasant as possible please keep these items in mind.

- The ARRC is usually a heavily attended event, at present we have over 200 entries and should approach 300.

- There will be someone to "help" you park with a rolling tape measure so we can get everyone as close together as possible.

- Know the width of your canopy.

- Depending on the number of drivers doing the Test Day getting parked may take some time so please be patient with us. You will notice that none of us are sitting down as you will be.

- It can be difficult to leave earlier that on Sunday based on where you are parked and who is around you so take this into consideration when you plan your layout. The fire roads tend to be pretty narrow.

- Do what the guy with white hair tells you to do. He is easily irritated and, as Chief of Paddock, can and will ruin your day.

- Any last minute stragglers can e-mail Sandy or me and we will do what we can to accommodate your needs.

Thanks from a member of the Parking Crew,
ARRC Parking, NorthEast Group

Also, recall the electrical power in the paddock is very sparse; it's not unusual to see spaghetti at the power point. The plug will be across the right-of-way behind the Blethen trailer, so I strongly encourage the Blethens to spend some money on a good, high-amperage, very long extension cord with a good quality outlet splitter, and a breaker if possible. The remainder of your paddock mates will very likely (definitely) be looking to plug into your extension cord (and others into theirs), and this way we minimize the number of wires going across the road.

Our trailer is wired for 220. So with that in mind we do have a long 220 extension cord that we will run! Can't get any bigger or better than that! If they only have a 110 outlet we have a short 3' converter cord that will change it from a 220 connection down to a 110 regular plug. That should allow everyone to plug into our trailer with no issues as long as the actual outlet that we plug into can handle it. LRP has the one oulet in b-paddock that always seems to trip when to many people plug in... On our trailer each outlet has its own breaker, each person can plug into an outlet so it won't be an issue on our end, we can run wires along the top out of our way to everyone. We only have 2 extension cords. 1 is a super heavy duty and the other just a normal garage extension cord. I am hoping htat I never need to use them for nay power tools but just in case I do need them please bring your own if you want to be plugged in.

Does this sound good to eveone else?

Thanks for coordinating this Greg!

I have received confirmation that we ill, indeed, be able to avoid the lines and enter the track immediately. Therefore, please remain clear of the queue and WALK to the head of the line. Notify the volunteer that you are with "the Northeast Group" and they will direct you inside the track. Then, come find us and we'll get you situated.

Also, I'm told the parking rows are wider this year; we'll have about 55' from lane to lane. Given this we should make even more effort to share the spaces in between enclosed trailers with others that come in open trailers; 30x55 feet is PLENTY for three or more cars and associated equipment. If you do not have a preference for neighbors we'll fill in opens among the enclosed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Again, it would be helpful if you would contact me with your expected date/time of arrival and your cellphone number(s), along with any preferences for pit-mates; grega at pobox dot com, 203.209.1217.

Thanks, and see ya in Atlanta!


It is with great regret that we wont be able to make it to the ARRC. We made numerouse plans and adjustments with our work schedules to make it happen, only to pull out at the last minute. Last year Stephen tried like crazy but couldn't get the time off of work (I couldn't afford to go alone) and this year he fenagled it so that he would have the time and we could share the costs of the trip. Unfortunatly as mentioned in our NARRC Runoffs review simply put, we just can't justify taking the risk of going and having the cars break down yet again. Stephen needs a new LF corner and has a motor that just isn't performing at a level that would put him even close to the front, and my issues with the oil leaking on the clutch makes no sence to "try something else" just to have it fail and putt around in the way of other racers. The cost & time needed to go through the cars yet again is more than we have in our budget. We could make one car out of the two and go for fun (not to win) however the cost of travel makes that an undoable reality.

If anyone is interested in paying for transportation or renting a 2 car enclosed trailer (gooseneck) w/ a 15' X 30' canopy please send us a PM and we would gladly entertain an agreement.

Raymond "I have the time off w/ nothing to do" Blethen
Anybody have a crew spot available? I am coming down from Charlotte on thurs. night or friday morning to help out anyone who needs help/ watch some good racing. So, who needs crew help?

Also looking for a possible hotel room floor to crash on if anyone has some room. I'll buy the beer! :birra:

-Mark Carpenter
Mark, sorry I missed your call Saturday. Give me a ring tonight, I'm sure we can find you a crew slot (unless someone here graciously offers in advance!)
Marky boy...I'll put you on my list. Consider it done.

email me at my email in my sig for my cel, etc, Arriving Wed afternoon.
Final count. Please let me know if you're on this list and not going, or not on this list and going.

My cell # is 203.209.1217.

Please review the guidelines above! See ya later this week!

Greg Amy, ITA Nissan NX2000, Ford E-350 15-pass van, 24' enclosed trailer
Joe DiMinno, ITA Nissan Sentra, Dodge regular cab, 24' enclosed trailer
Jeff Lawton, ITA Saturn, Ford regular cab, 15' OPEN trailer
Chris Camadella, ITS Porsche 944, Ford F350 Crew Cab, 24' enclosed trailer
Rick Benazic, ITA Acura Integra, Dodge regular cab, 15' open trailer
Bill Sulouff, ITS VW Corrado, Ford E-350 15-pass van, 24' enclosed trailer
Dan Jones, ITS BMW, Chevy Ext. Cab PU, 24' enclosed trailer
Jinx Jordan, ITC Honda CRX #39, Chevy Suburban, OPEN trailer
Tim Klavana, ITA Acura Integra, Dodge Crew cab, 28' enclosed trailer
Jake Gulick, ITA MAzda RX-7, GMC Pickup and 20' enclosed trailer
Fred White, ITC, 2500 Chevy Express van, open trailer
Anthony Serra, ITA Honda CRX, 75' toter home with 40x16 awning
Marky boy...I'll put you on my list. Consider it done.

email me at my email in my sig for my cel, etc, Arriving Wed afternoon.

Thanks for the response guys, looks like I'm all set.


I don't think Anthony is coming down, I spoke with him earlier today. I'll give your cell a call later on this evening.

See you all down there in a few days!

No Serra? No Richy? No Ray Lee??? That sucks! And I PM'ed Dan jones, he's not going either.. (he blames it on me because of the added SIR expense...kidding, LOL)

Too bad, ITA has (had) 29, and ITS had 24.
Got an email from Diane the other day, Rob and Derrick from Canada will be down there. For a matter of fact, they ran the event at VIR and left the cars in that area so they didn't have to tow all the way back then back down again. I hope the NE guys can make room for them. I know they are flat out with the back to back trips....sure wish RST was going down and that I could go with them. Sounds like it will be a blast. Best wishes to all of you from the NE. We will be hoping for great news from down there. Give them hell, y'all. :cavallo:
Trish, if you have their email, send 'em a note; if they want to paddock with us then have them call me on my cellphone (above). We'll make room.

I've verified that Serra and Dan Jones are out, as is Tim Klavana. We'll miss all you guys, hope you're with us next year...

It's a small group, but a good one. We'll bring home all the trophies for you guys to be envious! - Greg

Updated list:
Greg Amy, ITA Nissan NX2000, Ford E-350 15-pass van, 24' enclosed trailer
Joe DiMinno, ITA Nissan Sentra, Dodge regular cab, 24' enclosed trailer
Jeff Lawton, ITA Saturn, Ford regular cab, 15' OPEN trailer
Chris Camadella, ITS Porsche 944, Ford F350 Crew Cab, 24' enclosed trailer
Rick Benazic, ITA Acura Integra, Dodge regular cab, 15' open trailer
Bill Sulouff, ITS VW Corrado, Ford E-350 15-pass van, 24' enclosed trailer
Jinx Jordan, ITC Honda CRX #39, Chevy Suburban, open trailer
Jake Gulick, ITA Mazda RX-7, GMC Pickup and 20' enclosed trailer
Fred White, ITC, 2500 Chevy Express van, open trailer
Add: Possibly two Canadian entries, both ITB cars. Trailers?
I'll email Diane and have her call them. I'm sure they were leaving today to head down. Yeh, we NH-irites will miss being with you all as well. Be sure to send frequent updates.