Battery Relocation

... so we harmlessly move the battery to the RR corner ( where the E30 I-6 has it stock ) and the car blows turn One at Sebring in the pouring rain and hits the tire wall, next car does the same, rear ending said BMW. Battery is pushed into fuel cell, sparks ensue= 60 tires toasted, 3 sections of retaining wall cracked or compromised from heat, 35 dead fire extinguishers, 2 cars flambeaud(sp), race day over for 2 or 3 run groups, lots of wet people standing in the rain!!
If I would have phrased that right it could of been the 12 days of batteries(instead of Chrismas)!!
If moving stuff and washer bottles are that big of an issue, build a prod or GT car. Either built for regional competition will cost no more than a decent IT car, and you can play to your hearts content!!
Thought about that considerably when building my cars. Checked junk yard, and of all the wrecks I saw (30+) with rear impact there were no fires, and very few had the battery loose from the mount. Note, BMW has a molded plastic piece that protects the positive terminal from metal contact in the event of a rear end collision. Note, in my severe impact at RA in July, battery did not come loose and went into my current car. Chuck
Man, that must suck for all those cars that have the battery mounted on the extreme front corner, you know, close to the engine oils and fuel lines and stuff.

There oughta be a law!!!!
I am in favor of allowing the removal, alteration, replacement of items that do not provide a performance advantage, I currently would not support this type of change under the current IT philosophy. I am not in favor of relocating the battery unless there was a safety issue. The re-location of the battery would change the performance of some cars, especially those of lower spec weights, by changing the the front to rear weight ratios. I have been very vocal in the past about the retention of "Non Value Added" stuff that just get in the way of maintaining a race car. But in keeping with any potential performance change, they need more discussion, and the will of the majority of the stakeholders to request the change. If the majority of IT racers want to relocate the battery, then the CRB & ITAC should not stand in the way and permit the change to be made.

Dabvid Ellis-Brown