Well, I sincerely hope we're trying to regulate reality, and not perception...the latter is impossible.
Bill, I'm guessing there is a TON of folks that rent out Spec Miatas down in the DC area. King Rat Motorsports (http://www.kingratmotorsports.com/) and Meathead Racing (http://www.meatheadracing.com/) come immediately to mind. You could also contact Flatout Motorsports up here in MA (http://www.flatout-motorsports.com/) and see if their schedule is gonna bring 'em down that way any time soon.
Though you may not wish to drive Spec Miata, I'm guessing you might be able to work up a deal with them to rent their car for ITA, and possibly at a good rate since the car(s) may be there anyway for the SM races...
Other than Miatas, Conover Motorsports is the only people that spring to mind that have consistent rentals... - GA
thanks for this... u're right! i see King Rat and Meathead at Summit Point all the time, and yes, u're right, i'm not looking to do SM right now. Good idea to contact them. Can't hurt?
One other benefit (it seems) of renting is that it makes it a lot easier to try different IT classes right? I can sample so to speak. I mean if I buy an ITA car, i'm not gonna run in the ITR stuff any time soon, am I?