The latest response from Mr. Brake Anal is:
During my second call to Brembo the guy didn't want to talk to much about their part numbers & identifying true Brembo stuff from questionable stuff.
The guy did tell me there are rotors out there manufactured by a company in China called Brambo & they package in a red & white knockoff box like Brembo.
Anyway my parts guy called with the latest arrival of Brembo rotors. As far as I am concerned these are BREMBO rotors. They have the word "Brembo", the "Brembo logo" & a number "1197 A BB" stamped on the O.D. of the rotor. The other main item I was looking for & didn't talk about is the "pillar venting" & they have the pillar venting. I was waiting for someone else to bring up the pillar venting. Pillar venting is a series of three different shaped pillars that seperate the inside pad surface from the outside pad surface through the vent area.
I am now satisfied I have Brembo rotors.
The Mazda Comp rotors had a spiral pillar going from the outside towards the center of the rotor IIRC. (It's to friken cold to go out & check.) The first Brembo boxed rotor my parts house had the pillar was straight pillar going from the outside of the rotor towards the center of the rotor.
Go to [email protected] to look at the multi shaped pillar venting.
Anyone else have pillar venting ?
Thanks for the support
[This message has been edited by ddewhurst (edited January 24, 2004).]
During my second call to Brembo the guy didn't want to talk to much about their part numbers & identifying true Brembo stuff from questionable stuff.
Anyway my parts guy called with the latest arrival of Brembo rotors. As far as I am concerned these are BREMBO rotors. They have the word "Brembo", the "Brembo logo" & a number "1197 A BB" stamped on the O.D. of the rotor. The other main item I was looking for & didn't talk about is the "pillar venting" & they have the pillar venting. I was waiting for someone else to bring up the pillar venting. Pillar venting is a series of three different shaped pillars that seperate the inside pad surface from the outside pad surface through the vent area.
I am now satisfied I have Brembo rotors.
The Mazda Comp rotors had a spiral pillar going from the outside towards the center of the rotor IIRC. (It's to friken cold to go out & check.) The first Brembo boxed rotor my parts house had the pillar was straight pillar going from the outside of the rotor towards the center of the rotor.
Go to [email protected] to look at the multi shaped pillar venting.
Anyone else have pillar venting ?
Thanks for the support
[This message has been edited by ddewhurst (edited January 24, 2004).]