Braking Issues

Ben, I didn't see the left foot tap but that little tap is to asure the driver he will have pedal. As compared to jumping all over the pedal with the right foot & having no brakes.

Have Fun


ps: When Saturn guy had this brake issue at Road America, was that just after you passed him going into T5 ? He He Heeeeee
Bill, have you considered posing this question on the tech section? There are some real good mechanics that might be able to shed some more light on the issue.

Lance Snyder
Atlanta Region F&C

No more the small one, the weak one, the frightened one.
Running from beatings, deflating.
I'm becoming more than a man. More than you ever were.
Driven and burning to rise beyond Jesus.

[This message has been edited by Anubis (edited September 15, 2004).]
Yeah, I've considered it. But, if I do that, I'll just e-mail Wolfman and ssicarman directly. The signal to noise ratio isn't so good over there...

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com
Bill I have run there a couple of times
in a ssc neon (in your race group) and
had the same problem in turn 8 as you
describe. The pad fade was only in that one
turn which was kinda spooky. My solution
was to change from hawk blues to HT-1O'S
and it was solved.

Kolin Aspegren