Busch North vs. NARRC

Ouch, $325?

With that type of fee, do we at least get a guaranteed number of min. race laps?

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude si
Sorry, I couldn't resist!

I think...just my opinion here..is that LRP wants more $ due to whatever their reasons, and the service is the same. In other words, same hours of operation,, same workers to fix the guardrails, etc.

(I susppect this became an issue when Skip sold his school, and the contract between teh school and the track, which I understand was very favorabe to the school went with the sale. But instead of it being just an accounting thing because both pockets were Skips at the time, it is now an issue. And the rest of the renters will make up the difference.

I also imagine the the region is in a VERY tough spot. Rent WILL cost $44,000.00 or so dollars, and the region wants to find the best entry amount to result in money made good. Too low, and the total could fall short, too high, nobody shows up. Classic stuff, but the window of "ideal" is very small.

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]