Caption time (caution: big file)


You need to send the Wind Tunnel e-mail address your shipping address. I have the episode on DVR and can get you the information if you don't catch the replay today.

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com
Actually, the other possibility for self-promotion is to put your signature on the bottom of the post on the message board, or better yet, send some info to Despain on the current situation with SFI testing. He might be interested...

Matt Green
"Ain't nothin' improved about Improved Touring..."
This, hopefully, is the last word:


Thanks for the bobblehead doll! I will treasure it always. Just send that baby to the address listed below.

This exchange has been a grin around here. Thanks for the Yuks. If I ever get a bobblehead doll made in my own likeness, you'll be the first to get one. I'll get the better end of that deal--I am not nearly as handsome as you are.

Thanks again!

Gregg S. Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
1800 Pembrook Drive, Suite 300
Orlando, FL 32810 USA
Phone: 407/667-3414
Facsimile: 407/660-0012

[This message has been edited by gsbaker (edited February 28, 2005).]
Guess what showed up at the office?


But this is after we unwrapped it. Guess what was originally wrapped around his neck?


That's right, a horse collar. Here's a close up:


For a public figure in the racing community to display such a lack of head and neck protection sets a very poor example for racers everywhere.

And look what happens when we take off the collar and shake Dave around. His head bobbles!! Floppin' this way, floppin' that way--and not anywhere near 50Gs either. Why, I'll bet if we dropped Dave on the floor his head would pop off and roll down the hall.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is unacceptable. Dave needs head and neck protection and we're just the guys to do it. Therefore, in the interest of racer safety worldwide, we are announcing the Save Dave's Neck Miniature Isaac Modelling Contest. The winner receives a free Intermediate Isaac system valued at $895!

All you have to do is upgrade Dave's safety gear to include harness, helmet, and, of course, an Isaac system. We'll need to get detailed dimensions for the helmet but Dave's doll measures 8" in height with the head being 2.75" tall. (Dave has a big head.) In the meantime, get your raw materials ready and prepare to impress!

The winning design, or a copy of it, will become the property of Isaac, LLC and reside atop Dave's bobblehead.

Bobblehead indeed. Not if we can help it!

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
But it's harder to model an Isaac on Dave than it would be to do one of the "other guys' systems," since most of the Isaac stayed in his Bobblemobile when he got out.

I guess we just need to model a helmet with Isaac fittings?


[This message has been edited by Knestis (edited March 13, 2005).]
We were thinking more along the lines of full racing regalia, i.e.harness, helmet, Isaac shocks and helmet with mount.

Red belting to contrast with the black shirt would look good. Perhaps an eggshell for the helmet, with little tubular thingys for Isaac dampers.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC