Club Racing Board meeting, Nov. 4

Originally posted by dickita15@Nov 7 2005, 10:05 PM
by the way the grand am race is GT only no prototypes. at mexico they had 28 cars. 20 protptypes and 8 GTs. :(

Maybe they got stuck in customs?
Originally posted by dpc@Nov 8 2005, 02:01 PM
speaking of SM, youshould read the statement from Humpy Wheeler on the site.  dave

No Mother's Day weekend race at Pocono, if possible.

I really wanted to run the double this year, but coul;dn't make it out. I'm looking forward to running it in 2006. If it's scheduled on Mother's Day weekend, there's no way I could run it.
My brother and I try not to do anything on Mothers day anymore as we have both had major accidents doing other adventures besides scca racing on that day.... maybe we get punished for not hanging with mom... however didn't she always wish that would just go away :119: figures... dam if we do, dammed if we don't!!! (mom reads this site, so yes mom, that was just a joke :rolleyes: )
No I have NEVER wished that you'd just go away.... :o And yes, I know that it is just a joke, but yeh, Mother's Day does seem to have some quirks for you guys, but also remember you have had some pretty darned good races at Pocono that weekend and given me a Mother's Day gift of bragging rights. :smilie_pokal:
I agree with your theory, the NARRC should be on as many race tracks in the North Atlantic region as possible to make it truly a North Atlantic Region series. The Glen would be an excellent venue and Pocono should be kept as well. Aren't there other tracks north of the Mason Dixon line that aren't being utilized for this event?

As a former racer in the series, I had to give my 2 cents on this thread. Enjoy, back to being invisible. :D

Trish (the Mom of those daring Blethen boys)