In the Southeast I think it is Spec Miata.
I know alot of b and c drivers that had to do bodywork that normally would not have had to.
That would be me, the SM that hit me ran over 3 other cars in the same race, two IT cars and one other SM. The only reason that I am putting the Opel back on the track next year is I will not have to run with those.....people. I personally think they should have run the SM with AS, let them bounce of a 4000 pound Firebird a couple times and their driving habits would change. It also does not matter how fast you are, when I ran my MR2 I had more then one close call with a Miata, started at my school when 2 went into the wall and 4 had a big get to gether at the start of our sunday race. Someone please explain the thinking of these people when they get behind the wheel, it almost looks like road rage to me.
But I think FWIW, class new cars, I know that my old 1972 car will not be top dog forever, but as long as I can get it out there and the car is legal let the car run. But I think that the old B&C cars are going to be out classed by any thing made in the last few years, just the way it is.