Converting to ITS, need info on RX7s

Awww, Z cars are that bad to keep running. A lot like the RX in that there is a ton of race knowledge out there about them. Brakes require a lot of maintenance, and the valve train, but that's about it and they are very easy to work on.

Only parts issues we have had are strut tubes (which can be found used) and alum rear drums, which apparently are moving production overseas and should be available again shortly.

Finding solid straight tubs is probably the hardest part.
Dollar for dollar the RX7 is the cheapest car to maintain in ITS. They are easy on brakes, motors, and rear gears. The transmission will not tolerate a "ham fisted" driver and get expensive. With proper tuning and maintainance motors should be good for years. I have a motor in my shop from 98 that has been in 5 different cars and still makes within 5hp of a new motor.