Originally posted by Maddog:
I agree that entry fees could be a lot more equitable than they are. This is an issue that needs to be addressed by each Region, but they won't do anything until the drivers let them know they are unhappy. Bitching here won't help, go to a Region meeting and hammer on your RE and Race Chair.
[This message has been edited by Maddog (edited March 23, 2005).]
The post that started this contained the e-mail I sent to RE of the hosting region expressing my concerns. Since I am not a member of the region concerned I believed that would be the best way to contact them.
The e-mail body was posted and then the question was asked of the group was the request unreasonable.
The discussion at the beginning was civil and some good information was posted. Then as seems to happen all to often someone got a burr up their rear. The civlity is rapidly fading and the tone of the discussion is turning more toward pissing match.
Were it in my power I would lock it now before the name calling starts.