Cost dispairity

Originally posted by Maddog:
I agree that entry fees could be a lot more equitable than they are. This is an issue that needs to be addressed by each Region, but they won't do anything until the drivers let them know they are unhappy. Bitching here won't help, go to a Region meeting and hammer on your RE and Race Chair.

[This message has been edited by Maddog (edited March 23, 2005).]

The post that started this contained the e-mail I sent to RE of the hosting region expressing my concerns. Since I am not a member of the region concerned I believed that would be the best way to contact them.

The e-mail body was posted and then the question was asked of the group was the request unreasonable.

The discussion at the beginning was civil and some good information was posted. Then as seems to happen all to often someone got a burr up their rear. The civlity is rapidly fading and the tone of the discussion is turning more toward pissing match.

Were it in my power I would lock it now before the name calling starts.
That's not what he said.

A suggestion, if I might? Having read this strand finally, there are a dozen issues bubbling around in it and we all aren't even arguing about the same ones.

If I think Maryanne is hotter than Ginger, and someone else thinks "Tastes great" is more important than "less filling," we don't get any closer to agreeing by simply raising the volume or lowering the civility level of the argument.

Get a cold beverage out of the fridge, start from the beginning, read the entire thing, then argue your point.

Originally posted by rjohnson999:
It would be interesting to compare the amount of track time, according to GCR requirements, with the actual amount of time provided last year and the proposed schedule for this year. I suspect the prior schedule was in violation of the GCR and this year's schedule corrects that.


If you re-read the thread you will see that as the number of race groups grew, the restricted regionals were cut in order to keep the nationals at the required length.
"The TWS 2.9 takes longer to clear between sessions than the 1.8 does, and there simply isn't enough time to run 7 groups on both days on the long track. In order to keep the RRs on the schedule, a number of races usually held on the long track were shifted to the short layout. "

Since this issue has gone public.... Do other regions hear this? By this I mean "takes too long to clear the track." I've made several suggestions to shorten "track clearing" but am interested to see how other regions do this.
You really do have a reading comprehension problem. I said the GCR has minimums for practice/qualifying for Nationals and a distance/time minimum for National races. Then I said there was no such restriction on Regionals. I suggested comparing the 2004 schedule to the 2005 against those GCR requirements. Did you? What does it show?

Originally posted by jhooten:
Mr. Johnson in the one that claimed the schedule was in violation of the GCR. Ask him.

I stand corrected. Glad to see the region maintain the integrity of the National portion of the program in the face of increased race groups. This situation highlights one of the major problems with combining National and Regional weekends.

Originally posted by Maddog:

If you re-read the thread you will see that as the number of race groups grew, the restricted regionals were cut in order to keep the nationals at the required length.

I would imagine Chicago and Milwaukee Regions have worked this out. They've been working Road America's four miles for a few years now.

Originally posted by pavis:
"The TWS 2.9 takes longer to clear between sessions than the 1.8 does, and there simply isn't enough time to run 7 groups on both days on the long track. In order to keep the RRs on the schedule, a number of races usually held on the long track were shifted to the short layout. "

Since this issue has gone public.... Do other regions hear this? By this I mean "takes too long to clear the track." I've made several suggestions to shorten "track clearing" but am interested to see how other regions do this.
