Okay, I don't resond on these boards often. Certainly not to these nit picking hair slitting rules interpretaion threads. However, this thread has gone beyond the silly, and into the obsolutly inane rehlm.
GEO, et al, I understand your reasoning that IIDSYCYC means you can't sleeve a crank. However, as an ASE Certified Master Automotive Technician, who has been earning a living turning wrenches since 1977, I'm telling you it is an accecpted repair practice. Not in the FSM? Of course not. Guess what a FSM is really for. To act as a guide/tool for the factory authorized technicians who are going to work on these cars when they are fairly new, and most likely still under warrenty. Well guess what, while under warrenty, this issue isn't going to crop up, therfore it is never addressed in a FSM.
Besides which, how would you ever catch such a "modification". Because someone told they had??? Certainly not because someone beat you on the track, (because it isn't a performance enhancement it is simply an accepted repair procedure). So, how would you even know to protest someone on such an issue??
And yes, I've worked in a Dealership for 5 yrs in the past, so I'm not just blowing smoke out of my buttocks. It's all well and good to be a rules nerd. Heck, as a Comp Board member and CSOM at WHRRI I'm practically required to be one. Still, isn't it time to stop some of these asinine hair splitting threads???
Okay, enough posturing on my part. Hope I haven't offended anyone personally. Not my intent. Flame away
George H.