Crazy Joe ?????

Other accounts say it was qustionable...hope to see the video so we can Monday-morning-quarterback it!!! :)

Well here is video from the car starting behind me. I was penalized 9 postions for this. It all happens in the first 15 seconds of the video. If you want continue watching for a sweet slide through the right hander afetr the left into Madness. Questionable maybe? Penalized 9 postions worth it?
Tough to say Joe. You shoved that Miata out of the way for no good reason. Could have been a stop and go and you would have watched the whole field go by. Fair or not, you will think twice about ANY contact next time - and I bet that was the goal.
Still not as bad as Greg at the Glen. [/b]

In all fairness to Greg, he was trying out for the NASCAR of Tomorrow gig. That was the video where I started to question whether I'm aggresive enough.

I don't know Joe. The video from the other car makes it seem a lot worst than our video. From yours, I'm not sure that I wouldn't have done the same thing. Nine positions does seem like quite a stiff penalty, but can see Andy's point.
Nobody answered the question though. Was that worth a penalty of 9 postions?
It was worth something because that "hole" was not big enough.

That being said if that was the SCCA Showroom Stock Runoffs race, no penalty would have been accessed. That doesn't make it right, but penalties at the Runoffs are quite rare.
Nobody answered the question though. Was that worth a penalty of 9 postions?
I guess my answer would have to depend on the culture of the sanctioning body. If nasa is serious about discouraging avoidable contact that does not seem unfair at all. As AB said you could have been black flagged.
I guess my answer would have to depend on the culture of the sanctioning body. If nasa is serious about discouraging avoidable contact that does not seem unfair at all. As AB said you could have been black flagged.

Honestly I would have glady taken a black flag. I still would have finished better than 9th.
I guess my answer would have to depend on the culture of the sanctioning body. If nasa is serious about discouraging avoidable contact that does not seem unfair at all. As AB said you could have been black flagged.

I think this is simply about the NASA vs SCCA. In SCCA the ITA guys are comfortable with each other and have accepted racing with each other (for the good!). However, in NASA stuff like this is frowned upon, which is why I think you got the penalty. Is it cheesy? Yup! Is it fair? Probably not, but this is NASA.

And no I am not trying to start the NASA vs. SCCA banter. Rather I am simply stating my opinion based on seeing how NASA operates.
Man, that Nissan has some go!
That is what happens when they start faster cars behind a slower group. I qualified at a 1:42.5 and started behind cars that qualified at 1:48-1:50. What did they think was going to happen.
I think this is simply about the NASA vs SCCA. In SCCA the ITA guys are comfortable with each other and have accepted racing with each other (for the good!). However, in NASA stuff like this is frowned upon, which is why I think you got the penalty. Is it cheesy? Yup! Is it fair? Probably not, but this is NASA.

I don't know Jeremey. I am comfortable with Joe yes, but if he did that to me, I wouldn't have shed a tear if he got black flagged. There just wasn't enough room. It's the penalty you pay for having great power and exceptional starting abilities. Joe gets runs on me like that all the time but has never run into me.
I think this is simply about the NASA vs SCCA. In SCCA the ITA guys are comfortable with each other and have accepted racing with each other (for the good!). However, in NASA stuff like this is frowned upon, which is why I think you got the penalty. Is it cheesy? Yup! Is it fair? Probably not, but this is NASA.

And no I am not trying to start the NASA vs. SCCA banter. Rather I am simply stating my opinion based on seeing how NASA operates.
My whole beef with the situation was that I didn't even have a chance to defend myself. I got a call from the race director at 8:30 pm while at a resturant having dinner. I was told of *HIS* decsion, not a comittee or board *HIS* decsion. I asked if I could appeal the decsion He told me I had a half an hour to do so. And added it wouldn't really do any good because he had already made *HIS* decsion. So basically I had to take it up the ass with out being able to do anything about it. Really shitty feeling.

The other part that was screwed up is the whole weekend was filled with inconsistencies. There was no set penalty or ruling for anything, it was all up to the descretion of the race director. So if you got stuck with a not so favorable race director you got screwed.

I also found out that the race director who made this decsion knew the miata driver already. Think that may have influenced the decsion?

The pass questionable, i would say yes. My take if you were on the pole with the slowest car in a straight line and the only way to win was to stay ahead of the 180 WHP scion and the 197 WHP Civic by using traffic to your advantage I think anyone would do it. This race I did win before being stripped of the postions. It would have put me on the pole for the big race on sunday where I was eligble for About $2500 in cash and prizes. I guess yeah I was overly aggressive , but I had a predetermined agenda. WIN THE CASH! That is what pro racing is all about isn't it. This was a NASA PRO event.
I don't know Jeremey. I am comfortable with Joe yes, but if he did that to me, I wouldn't have shed a tear if he got black flagged. There just wasn't enough room. It's the penalty you pay for having great power and exceptional starting abilities. Joe gets runs on me like that all the time but has never run into me.

I think part of the problem with an event like this is you just don't know who you are racing with. Racing with you guys all the time you know to look in the mirrors that me or the other SR20 rocket will be coming through. That is the cars strength and we have to use it.
It's what happens in a dictatorship. You live by the sword, you die by the sword. That contact was VERY avoidable. You just drove into him, dog.

If SCCA was like that, most of us (including me) would have been whacked with a penalty once or twice by now - but I bet the racing would be a lot cleaner.

I am a committee man, not a dictator man so I feel your pain there but you do have to go down fighting.

Was the contact aviodable? Yes, however based on the event I personally would not have protested. [/b]

You might be singing a different tune if you were that Miata and YOU lost YOUR race and CASH because somebody whacked you unneccessarily and knocked right rear out of alignment hindering your ability to's all about perspective.

The net net is that if Joe could still have won even if getting black flagged, he didn't need to 'win it all' at the start.
As much as I think you're a lousy bum and a no good cheat.... :D :P , I would say you had a HUGE opening that I for one would have taken in a heartbeat!!!Your rear tire was at his front tire or so it looked from those videos. I'd say you had the pass and the spot was yours....was it the most tactful pass I've seen ...No. Was it EGGGG-sactly what I'd expect from the "crazy" bettcha.

Keep up the good work!!
