Ok, is this a joke? Can anyone be so.....errr...ahhhh.... well, words (nice ones) fail me...let me make a few points...
Originally posted by jwsbmw325:
ANdy - I have heard for a while that for some reason you were on the warpath against us BMW's. THis makes little sense to me since you opted out of ITS to run your little Spex Maita. Maybe if Hendo or Rob or I had punted you at Limerock or NHIS, totaled your car, etc, I could understand.
Dude...., first sign your friggen name. Slandering a guy is kinda sleazy, at least have the b@#ls to back it up with a name. Is that the way you work? Motives are only Ok if they're personal? Is it POSSIBLE Andy has a big picture view? That he (and the entire ITAC, BTW) think there was a real problem in ITS?
But I dont get it? What do you give a sh*t about what the guys do at Roebling or Atlanta?
Because the world is bigger than your NE area?
<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\"> Our AutoTechnic cars are all legal. Fast, yes, exspensive, yes, but illegal? No. </font>
I have known that your cars are NOT legal, as evidenced by the illegal modifications to the subframe pictured on your website. And I assure you, I was not alone in that knowledge. You should be very aware that when things like this are found, lots of folks will wonder, "Hmmm what ELSE is fishy here?" Nuff said on that one...
<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\"> Face facts ANdy, times change, cars change, technology changes. The BMW 2002tii used to be THE car for ITA. ....(Serra) beat the SH*T OUT OF EVERYONE IN ITA, so it must have been.(illegal) I mean, he ran 1:02's at Limerock. 5 years ago a good ITA time was 1:03-1:04. Why are these Hondas, liek Anthony's so fast now?? Why? 1) Driver skill, 2) Car development. </font>
Wrong again. he ran a 1:01.6. Actually, the CRB made a mistake with the CRX, it proved too fast for the class, and the solution was to add equivilent cars to the class. So the huge drop in times isn't only the result of superior development and driving, it is the result of classing mistakes.
JUST like the E36 was PCAs didn't exist back then.
But I see you have led thaecharge and now you have helped spoil racing for all of us who chose, or could afford to choose, racing an E-36 BMW.
Huh??? So, having a car that is even up is "ruining racing"??? A little spoiled are you??
..... But now your beolved rotary powered cars (who's technology by the way is about 5-6 years senior to the E-36's) are getting beat, and you cant seem to handle it.
News flash dude...you forgot he races in "Spex Miata" ...except if you were REALLY paying attention, you'd see he's talking about ITA...he doesn't even OWN a rotary!
(And an aside: your comments regarding "old technology" are disturbing...Do you think old cars have no right to be competitive against newer more expensive cars? It seems so, and your bragging about being able to afford the E36 is very distasteful, and brands you as an elitist...not sure we need that in "club" racing...)
6) What do you do for a living other than spend time like a geeky hall monitor on this web board? Perhaps if you applied yourself to your method of gainful employment with the same passion you apply here, you would yourself be able to afford an E-36 with Motec. The fact is you would probably still run mid-pack. My sense is that guys who like to cry and whine about what otehrs are doing dont have potential to win races.
So Andy, let me just say that the next time I run into you, I hope I'm driving (my E-36 HAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!)
Nice! Check the results smartypants...I think Andy won the first time he drove his ITS 7,....not exactly "midpack".
And nice threat of violence.
As for me, I'm glad I don't run in ITS with characterless types like this....
Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
[This message has been edited by lateapex911 (edited December 06, 2004).]