Originally posted by 7'sRracing:
"I said 1450 degrees because you WILL lose your engine (front rotor bearing first) if the rotors overheat(1800), better safe than broke, yes you can get 1 1/2 hp out of that last 200 degrees but at a price. If you could garrantee the temp would NEVER exceed 1650 I would say set it to 1600, but in the real world........"
Hey, 7's: Before I dynoed I used to run up to 1950 degrees. Never a problem with the motor. Now after dynoing I run 1650. So I say again, it depends....
You MUST dyno to really know. If you use an arbitrary number from someone else's engine you are deluding yourself and may burn one up at a 1200 degree reading if the sensors are placed differently. There are no shortcuts, and copying does not produce results. Only TESTING produces numbers that are meaningful.