EGT sensors on 1st Gen ITA?


Are you going to have 2 cars this year? I know you were building one last year and, if I remember correctly, you planned for Connie to run one and you were going to run the other. ITA or IT7?

Mark Jeffery
IT7 #92
Jim, I sure wish I had some idea of what really went wrong, im picking up my new motor next week and im really worried about a repeat. some of the things im doing different this time are

EGT readouts
2 MSD ignitions with rev limiters
in line oil filters in front of cooler
backing down the advance a smidge
low fuel pressure ignition cutoff
Sounds like a plan. But I wonder if you have stuff inside your oil cooler that gets run though each new engine. Perhaps the filters should be placed after the cooler, or maybe you should backflush the oil cooler before you run it.

Sorry about the late reply. I just had foot surgery.

foot surgury, that I can relate to, mine was 7.5 hours (added 1 1/2 #'s stainless) and it took almost 6 months to stand on it. jim my cooler was brand new from maz comp (81 model) put in at the same time with the last new engine that blew, im sending it to texas this week to an aircraft cooler cleaning service, and yes filter before and aft of the cooler would be wise at this point.

Originally posted by itaracer:

Are you going to have 2 cars this year? I know you were building one last year and, if I remember correctly, you planned for Connie to run one and you were going to run the other. ITA or IT7?

Mark Jeffery
IT7 #92
Mark, Sorry about not answering fast, this was my first time back to the forum. Why is an IT7 driver addresed as itaracer? Just kidding. Two cars?????It is happenin'. Had to race Connie's car at Hallett sunday do to a exhuast glitch in the new car. It will be out in May I'm sure. Hope to have both cars there. Racing will be a bit limited this year due to family obligations. I was the only IT7 car there so I of course have the track record. It's not really good so it will be easily reset. See ya there.....

Why itaracer? Too much trouble (too lazy) to change the username. I'm planning on making all 3 May races. I know what you mean about setting the Track Record. I set the IT7 record at MMP. First race for the class and only one other IT7 car.

Good news about the 2 car deal. I look forward to seeing you and Connie next month.