electrical wires

Actually, modern piggyback units that allow full remapping of your fuel map are very small. I already verified that one will fit inside the existing box of my '75 Ljet control unit

Peter Linssen
ITB Opel Manta
Pacific NW Region
I'll first qualify my comments by stating that I have not followed this thread, but I did read the last page. As far as the RX7 rear axle camber spec goes, from what I've read, there's no spec in the FSM, and there doesn't apprear to be a spec in the aftermarket parts books.

Has anyone looked at repair manuals/specifications that body shops use? The information you are looking for could very well be there.

Another thought is that it shouldn't be that hard to derive the rear camber value from existing data. Along the collision repair line of thinking, I would think that spec dimensions for pickup point locations should be available. Couple that w/ the dimensions of the axle, and I think that you should be able to derive what the rear camber (at static conditions) should be.

And for those in the repair business, what is the prescribed way for determining if the rear axle is bent (for purposes of determining if repair/replacement is warranted)?

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