For Immediate Release!


Just bring it to ITA and quit yer yappin'. We all know it's gonna end up there anyway after a ''one-and-done' year in ITS.

It will be fun having you back on the local scene.

If the car can compete in ITS that is where we will stay, but if we feel it can't then we will come to ITA where we 100% know it can compete.
...come to ITA where we 100% know it can beat up on girly cars, even if they're all make-up-painted up in butch colors...though that really fools no one, 'cept maybe the owner...[/b]
"Fluke", huh? That what you boys over there call it? We over here in Connecticut calls those "euphamisms"... ;)

Hey, maybe those panties are what you need; you know, pull 'em up and start driving, and all that? I'll let you borrow some, if you think it'll help.

Hey, Joe, being I had a free weekend and all I was going through all my in-car video, burning it to DVDs and such, and I figured I make a montage DVD of all the times I passed you over the last couple of years (started working on it last month). Got through about half of it, got bored, and started to crunch what video I had, and then my hard drive ran out of space. So, I'll just wait until I buy a new drive (I see terrabyte-sized drives are available now...that may cover it, or maybe I can use the hospital's networked multi-terrabyte drives over the holidays while things are slow) and then I'll get a copy to you (you guys have DVD players over there in PA, right?) I'd upload it to the Internet, but I've only got a 3-gigabit connection, and my wife would be upset if I monopolize that line for more than a couple of days...but don't worry, I'll get those DVDs to you soon. - GA

Those must be some entertaining videos. Look there goes Greg passing me on the staight, oh wait there goes Greg agian on the straight, wait wait look there he goes again on the straight. Wow that guy is some good driver. :rolleyes:
Look there goes Greg passing me on the straight...[/b]
Funny thing is, those "passes on the straight" always seem to come right after coming out of corners...nah, probably just a coincidence...whadya think, Joe? Coincidence?

Ah, well. Doesn't matter: you've got 2008 - and 15 more horsepower - to prove me wrong... :) Shall we discuss this again on, say, December 22nd, 2008...? You bring the Yeungling.

You having a rough day? [/b]
Hell, no! It's just gettin' interestin'...! Hey, if ya can't verbally spar with the big dogs, go hide under the porch until April...

Besides, I'm buying DC2 Integra Timmuh Klvana all the expensive drinks he can handle, swapping out all the REAL Acura-go-fast speed info...leaving Joey and Andy to play with each other in their little sandbox...
Besides, I'm buying DC2 Integra Timmuh Klvana all the expensive drinks he can handle, swapping out all the REAL Acura-go-fast speed info...leaving Joey and Andy to play with each other in their little sandbox...
Greg - You and me at the Dyno - time to play in our own "ECU box." The TEG should be back in my possession just after the first of the new year. No drinks required - we're in the same camp now. :114:
Hell, no! It's just gettin' interestin'...! Hey, if ya can't verbally spar with the big dogs, go hide under the porch until April...

Just 'figgered something was wrong - it was only your 3rd reference to my car as a being 'less than masculine' the same thread. Maybe you are just running out of material! :114:

Happy Holidays to all!!! May a new set of Hoosiers magically appear under your tree......... :snow_cool:
Maybe you are just running out of material! :114:[/b]
Oh, it happens once in a while... B)

Besides, I just realized I can run the Integra in both ITS *and* ITA: the former with the car, and the latter vicariously through my buddy, Tim. Hell, "I" may win *two* championships in '08!!! ;)

And the best part? Almost four more months to talk it up until the green flag drops (but, of course, "that" won't stop...)

Merry Christmas, folks, see you on the other side...!
:dead_horse: Andy, I just happen to have some Great Dane testicles sitting in formalin. I could let them go for a reasonable offer so you could hang them under the back of the Miata, maybe GA would stop picking on you! Nah!! :026: :026: :snow_cool: :114: :026: :026:

:dead_horse: Andy, I just happen to have some Great Dane testicles sitting in formalin. I could let them go for a reasonable offer so you could hang them under the back of the Miata, maybe GA would stop picking on you! Nah!! :026: :026: :snow_cool: :114: :026: :026:

Ed [/b]

Make 'em brass. HA!

All I can say is, as interesting as it is to watch you guys (and gals) race, sometimes reading these threads takes a close second! :D

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all, and to all a great season in 2008! :114: :114: :114:
Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to all you snowbound Yankees!

Keep this thread going as I will be very bored over the next couple of days. How bored? I spent this afternoon outside (burrrrrr it was in the 60's) :P taking all the graphics off the car before it's annual trip to Maaco. I hope it doesn't get down into the 50's tomorrow! :114:
Merry Christmas to everyone. OOps that was yeaterday oh well. :D

Hey Greg what did ya get for christmas?

It musta been a Gift certifcate to the Skippy School. :P
Hey Greg what did ya get for christmas? It musta been a Gift certifcate to the Skippy School. :P[/b]
No, 'cause if I did that you'd have yet ANOTHER excuse...

Hey, by the way, thanks for the gift! Though I do wonder how I'm supposed to use it...a small baggie of sand labeled as "Fuel Additive"...