New member
The big problem I see with the LapSim results is that no changes were made beyond FWD/RWD and weight bias. I went through and 'optimized' each setup's spring and bar rates for a FWD and RWD ITR 944 and for a FWD and RWD ITA CRX. I found 112lbs needed to equalize the CRX and 250lbs needed with the 944 after working all configs to their optimal spring/bar setup. Both 'fake' setups (RWD CRX and FWD 944) took multiple iterations of roll moment distribution changes to get the best lap time and both gained more than 1 second. I'm still not sure the setups are perfect.
Imagine if you just put a RWD drivetrain in my CRX and left springs and bars alone
So, 112 and 250 are pretty different numbers, I am in the camp that this is HP related. LapSim allows you to watch the driver inputs including throttle pos. The FWD 944 spends a lot more time at part throttle than either the RWD 944 or the FWD CRX. I am also in the camp that FWD cars like mine are stupid and should be avoided at all costs so I favor no further weight brakes My next racecar will drive the right end of the car.
I also favor rules stability. We're getting close to a nice setup here, again, what specific problem do we think we have? In ITR most 'it weighs too much' complaints are already headed to the RWD rather than the FWD cars.
Yes you are correct I did not change all those variables but I was trying change as few variables as possible. Again I will repeat my self I am not suggesting we use the weights that Lapsim generates. BUT we can agree that it shows a trend of more power = larger gap from FWD to RWD right?
Note: I am not arguing if the ITS weight is wrong or right I am simply saying given the data if ITS gets a 100lb deduct then ITR should get slightly more and ITA slighty less.