Gas octane

Nothing wrong with using leaded race gas.
Advantages: Higer octane resists detonation;
Lead lubricates the valves

Diadvantages: Higher Octane makes less power(yes...but less octane promotes destructive detonation);
Lead promotes corrosion in exhaust systems.

Actually, I use leaded race gas (VP) for a strange reason--almost infinite shelf-life.
Thanks for the info. I must not be as old and knowledgable as I think I am 'caus I still manage to learn new stuff every time out. I guess my point was that these cars use Oxygen sensors and the lead should kill them very quickly. Maybe with the single wire O2 sensors it doesn't matter that much?
I forgot to add that as a "diadvantage"--contaminates O2 Sensors.

Actually, it doesn't destroy them because I understand you can clean the lead off the sensor with a torch or something. Also, it takes a while for the lead to affect the sensor. If you carry enough spare sensors and know their useful life as exposed to lead, it is probably not much of a handicap.
Hm-I wonder about the question concerning the O2 sensor and its survival. Does anyone have any hard data on this? Sunoco has several different unleaded fuels that will not harm the sensors. The price of a sensor from Honda (wholesale) for my Si was $150 and I would not feel good about destroying it. Then again I also still have the catalytic convertor on the car as it is still street legal.
I too must not be as old and wise as my years would lead me to think-I also just keep learning every day.

'96 Civic HB Just cruising daily
'99 Prelude=a sweet song in motion

[This message has been edited by jc836 (edited August 28, 2002).]