My comments were directed at those running in the DC region MARRS series. The MARRS series has five out of the nine run groups with 50 plus cars so manual scoring becomes a big deal.
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.....
dave parker
wdcr ITC#97
I want to do some development in IT on R-tires. I now have a 1.8 Miata in SM that is an ITS car. Since the SM's (1.6 and 1.8) are 'equalized' by resrictors, the 1.6's and 1.8's are the same speed. I thought about running the 1.8 car in ITA for no points - mostly to stay the heck outta the ITS cars way as this car would be way off the pace.
Having thought it through, the Miata's run hard with ITB so thee will be a rcae in there somewhere...