From a dollars and cents angle, whatever is done mustn't adversely affect the regions income. Limiting subscription below a "full house" won't be a popular concept.
While I like the "invitation only" idea, I just don't think it's practical.
In the past, the OMP series got the most attention from far away lands. I remember Mike VanSteenberg making the trip all the way from FL with the big rig. Why? Well, it was a big weekend, lots of NASCAR stuff going on, his brother Kip lived nearby and so on. I doubt he would have come without Kips urging, but thats just a guess.
Remember, the ARRCs bills itself as the IT (and other regional only classes) National Championship. Even still, who actually shows up? Mostly locals, and a smattering of others, but the Canadians are by far the long distance champs. And, when SM goes National, the ARRCs will be just another regional to them, so the numbers may drop. Of course, I see lots of ITA grids bigger here than I saw at the ARRCs, so our subscription rate is pretty good.
I guess what I'm getting at is if you want to attract distant runners, cash counts. But if it costs more to enter...theres no big incentive unless you think you can win.
So, my recipe is:
- Advertise-buy ads in the other regions publications that don't have a conflicting event.
-Buy ads on popular web sites like this.
-Sponsorship- A great start so far, but cash talks...the more money, the better to hand out at the end.
- Special Prizes. Like a hard charger award. Give guys like me a chance!
- Press - Make the entries marginally higher and choose a charity to give the overage to. State on the entry that X dollars goes to the charity. As a car guy (and neighbor) I often think Paul Newmans Hole in the Wall Gang is ideal. Use the oppurtunity to get the word out to the locla press.
-Track rides...for visiting press folk, in race cars at lunch. I bet we can throw some seats in our cars, add some straps and have some fun. Not at racing speeds, of course! LimeRock has done this, I was there, and it seemed pretty popular! We'd need a skeleton crew on the flag stations and on the flag net. When the worker van goes to pick them up, lunches could be dropped off for those choosing to stay. An extra $20 per remaining flagger wouldn't hurt!
Finally, a NICE simple silver (sterling plated at the least) bowl nicely engraved would beat fake wood and fake brass plaques anyday! (Although I will cherish my fake wood plaque forever!
I really think that events like this a re very possible, but they tke work. Selling sponsorship is KEY, and to do that, the sponsor needs t see his name in a good light. Giving to charity is always a good light.
I'm sure Anthony would be happy to kick in a G or two to have the event marketed and written up in all the local papers as "The NARCC Runoffs presented by The Mechanics Shop of Bedford Hills" or something like that, right Mr ARRC ITA Champ?
Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]