How to make the NARRC more prestigious?

Not to but in (an SEDiv guy), but our SIC (Southeast Invitational Challenge) is a pretty big deal. Here's how we do it:

a. Invitation only, but invitation is sent to any one who ran at least 3 SARRC events in a season. I think this is the right kind of threshold -- doesn't keep anyone out on points, just a participation requirement.

b. Here's teh kicker: the SIC "pays" double points over a regular SARRC race. Taht's a pretty big deal and often results in the championship being decided at teh SARRC.

Works for us.
Originally posted by gran racing:
Yeah, I know.
I was just hoping for a ARRC similar event here up north. I love the hype and attention the ARRC gets and how it draws people from many various areas.

Now that I can understand and agree with. A big race up here would be great.

Old Timer?

Well - some comments. NARRC is composed of the Regions that race at LRP. NER, Mo-Hud NYR and NNJR. Those regions can also have races at other tracks ie. NNJR at Pocono, NER at NHIS etc. In the past The NARRC committe composed of each RE and a Driver Rep have voted to allow other regions to have a NARRC race ie Tri-Region at Pocono and Glen at WGI.
NARRC is for all SCCA classes and NARRC recognized classes ie NARRC Club Ford, Club FC etc.
Remember ARRC is billed as a National Championship for those classes not invited to the SCCA National Championships. There are only about 8 classes in 4 Race Groups.
It would be kind of difficult to have 2 National Championships for Regional Cars.
NYR controls the NARRC Runoffs and with the new track rental rates they could not afford to limit the entries.
The offers of sponsorship are great ways to increase prestige.
As an old timer, I guess I would not change anything as far as format but work to get things like sponsorhip.
Rembember we have 3 other Regional Racing Championships in NeDiv- MARRS, NYSRRC and Kryder Racing.

NYSRRC runs at Watkins Glen, Pocono, Nelson Ledges, Lime Rock and this year had a race at NHIS with NER.

Originally posted by JackH55:

NYSRRC runs at Watkins Glen, Pocono, Nelson Ledges, Lime Rock and this year had a race at NHIS with NER.


WOW, to me the NYSRRC looked to be a better series... at least to me. All they need to due is add summit point, beaverun, and VIR to the list to have an awesome series. But why would they, they are the NYSRRC not the NARRC. Now the North Atlantic RRC on the other hand should have all these tracks, either that or change the name.
I'll have to look at all the series 2005 scheduals to decide which series I will run next year. I hope it is the NARRC and I hope it will be great.
Originally posted by 0100:
WOW, to me the NYSRRC looked to be a better series... at least to me. All they need to due is add summit point, beaverun, and VIR to the list to have an awesome series. But why would they, they are the NYSRRC not the NARRC. Now the North Atlantic RRC on the other hand should have all these tracks, either that or change the name.

0100, The NARRC doesn't decide what tracks it will run at. YOU DO. go to the regions and show them how the extra $6.00 will make it a better event and why they should consider it a NARRC event as well as there own region.


[This message has been edited by RSTPerformance (edited November 16, 2004).]
Originally posted by RSTPerformance:
0100, The NARRC doesn't decide what tracks it will run at. YOU DO. go to the regions and show them how the extra $6.00 will make it a better event and why they should consider it a NARRC event as well as there own region.
[This message has been edited by RSTPerformance (edited November 16, 2004).]

uh, wrong stephen, the narrc commitee must allow it and they are concerned with the health of the regions and the good of thier members
dick patullo
Originally posted by dickita15:
uh, wrong stephen, the narrc commitee must allow it and they are concerned with the health of the regions and the good of thier members
dick patullo

Thank you for clarifying. I thought that the regions had to decide by agreeing to pay the dues then the NARRC comitee would agree to the event. My bad.
