Rob, thanks for your kind words. (I second your sentiments about my Dad, he has always been there for me with this crazy hobby of mine.)

And my wife Cyndie needs to be mentioned for her constatnt support also.
I can say the same in that this is the way I feel about most of the guys I race with in ITA, great guys that enjoy cars and enjoy racing on the weekends, and that's why I do race in ITA. Yes, I was very upset last weekend and had the inkling to stay away for a while, but I'm coming back!
The good news for me is the Integra is fixable, I had the body shop come to my garage yesterday. A little time on the frame machine to pull the front, the drivers side rocker and the passenger rear quarter, that’s all for that machine. Of course then the new door, fender, rear panel, front bumper, headlights, rear upper control arms. Then straighten and undent the other fender, the hood, the other rear quarter, and the rear hatch. Some new tires and I’ll be all set, no problem! <_< That’s why I work, to pay for racing. (not)
See you in July, either the 4th or the 8th, not sure yet.
Don’t get me wrong, I won’t be all buddy buddy just yet with the wrongdoers (IMO), I’ll hold a grudge for a while.
ITA #03
Very special thanks to my newest sponsor, RAMSDELL Motorsports (aka C&G Autobody in Beverly, MA)