Beware of opinions masquerading as facts. No one here has any facts, so the 'facts' presented so far are purely conjecture about how the pie is divided. Sure...I'd like to know how the pie is divided, but I'm not particularly worked up about it. Why ? Read on...
About once a year, I 'chair' an SCCA race weekend. What does a Race Chairman do ? All the dirty, scut-like administrative stuff that must be done in advance...make sure the track contract & deposits are done, make sure that T&S will have enough paper & toner, make sure that trophies are ordered, blah blah blah quack quack quack AND MAKE SURE THE INSURANCE IS IN PLACE by filing all the necessary paperwork and sending the requisite checks...and then doing all the 'post-race' paper work and tow fund audits and insurance audits blah blah blah. Chaired a bunch of Nat'ls, chaired a bunch of Reg'ls, and managed to find time to actually race those weekends, too. Once I even ran two different cars.
About 3 years ago, I was chairing a Nat'l at a certain NEDiv track that happens to be owned by a subsidiary of a rather large racing organization that's headquartered near a famous beach in Florida. The track normally managed the Friday 'Test Day' themselves...they provide staffing...and insurance bonds...but interestingly enough, we were contacted by their representatives and asked to make the Friday Test Day an SCCA-sanctioned test day, as they knew our costs for insurance coverage (it's published on the web, afterall....) and their own insurance provider couldn't get anywhere close to the costs for insurance in the SCCA package. We provided the insurance...and continued to do this for several years, until just this year.
Think about that....probably the largest race-sanctioning organization in the western hemisphere...providing sanctions to big & little tracks all around the country...and OWNING tracks all around the country...and the 900lb. gorilla in US of their major subsidiaries couldn't get as good a deal as we were getting in the SCCA package. This is the same package as we have today...although our costs have tweaked by maybe a buck or two per car.
Let's address the 'liability' issue here, too...although some here seem to have become instant experts on risk management and loss-history. Let's say you drill a wall in your A Sedan and mess up a bunch of guardrail, or back into a garage door in the track you get a bill ? There are race organizations that send the track after YOU to collect payment. SCCA's 'liability' includes property-owner coverage, which means that SCCA insurance pays the $2000 for the messed up guard rail, not YOU.
Before you guys start tossing around insults about who has an open mind, I suggest you attempt to get some facts, rather than just the loose conjecture presented here. There is a lot of ignorance around...because it's easier to sit at your computer and carp about your latest crusade, rather than actually participate and make a little effort to understand. "Oh...I don't have time" (the 'puppies and lollypops' defense). Bullshit. I raced under 13 SCCA sanction #'s this year (along with a NASA and an EMRA weekend)...and managed to chair a SCCA race, too. Oh...and that job thing, too...and lots of other stuff.
You can have your own opinions, but you can't have your own facts. This thread is long on the first and short on the second.