Originally posted by rjohnson999:
Shorts in a know (knot?)? Hardly, but I think you have a serious problem being rejected.
And exactly what's been 'rejected'?
The whole Regional/National thing and branding a category as 'Regional forever' are Draconian and arbitrary. Why should poorly subscribed classes get a 'free pass'? Why are the rules thrown out the window to protect these classes?
I stand by my original proposal, do away w/ the Regional/National license distinction, make all classes that have their specifications defined in the GCR eligible to run in any Club Racing event. Change Regional / National races to Non-Qualifying / Qualifying races (for purposes of earning points towards a Runoffs invitation), and take the top XX classes for any given year, and give them the invitations to the Runoffs. If you want, keep the ARRC, and let those classes that don't get invited to the Runoffs run there. Someone made the analogy to the NCCA basketball tournament, and the NIT. I think it's a valid analogy, if you want to go to the 'big show', you have to earn the right (as a class, not just as a driver). Make the cutoff a month before the Runoffs, and that's how you determine the classes that go.
And yes, if the IT classes become eligible to race at the Runoffs, it will cost more to win. But I don't know if it will cost more than it does to win the ARRC. But that's what a National Championship should be about, the best driver in the best car. You want to win, you better have both the driver and the car very well developed.
And I still contend that this will NOT drive up the cost for the people that just want to go out and race for 'fun'. To say that top-level IT cars/drivers will show up at the Non-qualifying races, just to dominate, is not really valid. There are too many examples that indicate that this won't happen. All you have to do is look at all the other National classes that run Regionals. When it's a Regional-only weekend, you just don't see that many people that run Nationals showing up. In the Prod races I've run at Regionals, there are usually never any National-level cars there. There's just really no reason for them to come. It costs more money, puts more wear and tear on the car, exposes the car to more chances of an incident, and it doesn't get them any closer to the Runoffs. I really feel that you'll see the same thing w/ IT.
It also doesn't change anything significant about how races are currently run. The Qualifying races would still have to meet the current standards for National races (in terms of time, distance, etc.) Entry fees for Qualifying races will probably still be higher than those for Non-qualifying races, so that doesn't change either. And for those that are going to complain that it will cost more if you want to run the Qualifying races, that's true, but you also make that choice yourself, and, what you're getting for that extra $$$, is the opportunity to go to the Runoffs, and take your shot at the National Championship.
And for those areas of the country, where you have combined Regional/National races, in the same weekend, you wouldn't necessarily need to keep it that way. Sure, keep the run groups for the classes that don't have their specs defined in the GCR (e.g. ITE, SRX7, IT7, etc.), but let everyone else run it as a Qualifying race. Or, don't change anything, and it becomes a dual Qualifying / Non-qualifying race weekend. The only thing that would need to be done, would be to add the IT classes to run groups on the Qualifying side.
I've talked to other drivers that like this idea, and think it's good for the overall health and growth of the club. We will be working on putting a formal proposal together to send to the CRB and BoD. Anybody that's interested, you're welcome to get involved.
MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI (sold) | MARRS #25 HProd Rabbit
SCCA 279608