The Ohio Valley Region is having a dinner/party Friday night with pizza and some soda/beer provided, so everyone should make it a point to come over to that and hang out. My suggestion is though, as the only beer that will be at that party will be "mass produced & American", what do you guys think about having a little "Craft Brew Potluck" Friday night in additon to the OVR party? Bring a six (or twelve if you're feeling generous) of your favorite micro-brew(s), and we can all just kinda sample. I'll even bring one huge cooler for this purpose, if people are down with it. And yes, I just came up with this idea while sitting out on my back porch, enjoying the warmth, sun, and some new summer brews I just picked up.
Also, I was in contact with Tim Gilvin at Hoosier yesterday, and asked if they have any interest in sending over one of their small trailers with like one changer to support us (like they usually have at one of our regionals). Figuring pretty much everyone there will be on the Hoosier SM/R/A6, all in one combined paddock location, it might be a decent idea for all of us. I'm assuming that the gigantic Continental Tire (which are just rebranded Hoosiers anyways) setup won't want or be able to service us. I will let you know when I here back from him on this.