New member
Let's remember to seperate INTENTIONAL contact for the purpose of moving up the results sheet with INCIDENTAL contact happening for unintended reasons.
NOBODY is condoning intentional contact at the expense of another driver.
Andy, maybe I need to get even more specific. Everyone agrees that intentionally spinning out your competitor is dirty. In this thread, I am talking about intentionally hitting another driver's rear bumper on a straightaway, when there is almost zero chance of causing that car to spin. Fair enough?
I'm looking for folks to tell me when and why they do this. So far, only Jake has done so, and he explained his reasoning well.
Also, when you write INCIDENTAL contact happening for unintended reasons, it seems to me you are conflating two things. Incidental is not the same thing as accidental. I've declared that we're not talking about accidental contact. Do you believe incidental contact is OK? If so, can you explain what you mean by incidental?
I believe there are 3 reasons drivers do this.
1. Speed preservation. This is at least defensible, although it raises the question, "Preserve your speed for what? For the next corner, where you'll need to slow down for the car ahead of you again?"
2. Frustration.
3. An attempt to intimidate the driver ahead, or, if you prefer a less loaded term, to send a message: I am faster than you in the corners and I want you out of my way.